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AuthorFun Facts
On this day in 1943, the greatest ever tank battle was launched in what is now famously known as The Battle of Kursk. Almost 3,000 German tanks were pitted against twice as many Russian tanks in a battle that would last weeks as well as be remembered for being the first time a German strategic offensive was halted before it could successfully break through enemy defences
Ohhh, I thought the greatest tank battle was the Battle of the bulge!
(Ofc the Russians had way more troops, but their tanks weren't as great as they had many mistake's)

But here you had the Germans that used only 250 panzers against 789 Sherman tanks.
Those 250 Panzers crushed the allies forces within 12 hours. After this the Allies had to change strategy, wich was combining Sherman Tanks with infantry (Bazooka's) to confront the Panzers :).
On 8 Jul 1947, the Roswell Army Airfield (RAAF) reported that its personnel had recovered a "flying disc" which crashed on a ranch near Roswell. This would be the start of a long string of conspiracy theories and forever seal Roswell as the most (in)famous UFO incident ever reported.
And 1955 was the start of Area 51, wich was a test site for the Americans were they could built new weapons during the cold war. This is beneath the ground so satellites can't see whats happening.

This was also the beginning of the UFO folklore, people assumed that Area 51 was used to hide Alien life.
Flying Saucers
The first well-known UFO sighting occurred in 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold claimed to see a group of nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane. Arnold estimated the speed of the crescent-shaped objects as several thousand miles per hour and said they moved “like saucers skipping on water.” In the newspaper report that followed, it was mistakenly stated that the objects were saucer-shaped, hence the term flying saucer.

Sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena increased, and in 1948 the U.S. Air Force began an investigation of these reports called Project Sign. The initial opinion of those involved with the project was that the UFOs were most likely sophisticated Soviet aircraft, although some researchers suggested that they might be spacecraft from other worlds, the so-called extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH).
407 years ago on 15 Jul 1606, one of the greatest Dutch painters and printmakers in European art history was born - Rembrandt
How is it even possible?

On this day in 1955, Disneyland opened in Anaheim, California.
Did you know you can make yourself look extremely rich by using the F12 function on IE, Opera and Chrome?

407 years ago on 15 Jul 1606, one of the greatest Dutch painters and printmakers in European art history was born - Rembrandt

I'm proud to be Dutch :).
As Edwin said:
"As finishing touch god created the dutch."
Today marks the 94th birthday of the man responsible for the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa; happy birthday Nelson Mandela and a speedy recovery.
2 years ago this day, a brilliant singer/songwriter passed away from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27. RIP Amy Winehouse, gone but not forgotten.
2 years ago this day, a brilliant singer/songwriter passed away from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27. RIP Amy Winehouse, gone but not forgotten.

Beginning on the night of 24 July 1983 (arising from a brutal incident a day earlier), riots spread across Sri Lanka and "Black July" marked the start of the Sri Lankan Civil War between Tamil militants and the Sri Lankan government. The war would go on for 26 years, claiming hundreds thousands of lives before victory was finally declared by the government in May 2009.

July has since become a time of remembrance for the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora community around the world.
Once Two Thieves Broked Into Pikasso's Flat & Stole Some Money and All His Bed Covers
Pikasso Got Mad
& When His Neighbor Asked Him Why
Pikasso Quoted : ' Idiots , They Didn't Take Any Of My Paintings ' xP
The 25th Olympics Summer Games in Barcelona, Spain opened today in 1992
On 26 July 1775, the United States Postal Service was established.

When you drink a glass of water, it has already been drunk by other people and animals, possibly several times over.

Source - blog astonishing top 10
Insulin was discovered in the early 20th century. It became a common treatment for diabetes in the first half of the 20th century. Before that the diabetes was treated by not eating any sugar or carbohydrates (carbs). The lower intake of energy in the form of carbs had to be compensated by a larger intake of protein and fat. This was working well but put limitations on the life of the patients.

The companies making insulin spent fortunes in studies and research that "surprisingly" proved that the diabetes patients should eat less fat, more carbs and compensate by taking more insulin. They earned ten times more because the sales of insulin skyrocketed. Still, the recommendations (in most countries) for diabetes patients are to eat less fat and more slow carbs. Only the last few years those recommendations have been seriously contested. It was not scientists that started it, but ordinary people that noticed that their health improved when they started eating directly opposite to the recommendations.

The scientists are catching up now, and I expect the official recommendations to be changed within a couple of years.
On this day in 1996, George R.R. Martin's epic fantasy novel, A Game of Thrones, is released. The book was the first in Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, about feuding medieval noble families on an imaginary continent called Westeros. Although not initially a best-seller, “A Game of Thrones” gained a loyal following, and the “Song of Ice and Fire” series eventually became a huge hit, selling millions of books.
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