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AuthorMovies; kinda new to new releases
I saw gravity yesterday in theatre... 5/5.. best movie for this year.
My all time favourites are - Inception
The prestige
4th kind ( thriller , not adviced for 16- )
Gravity. All these movies.. i give 5/5
After Earth starring real life father and son, Will and Jaden Smith.


ehh...decent I guess?

A bland version of man versus nature combined with a boy's coming of age story. This movie had so much potential but just didn't really have enough impact in my opinion.

Action was not enough and character interaction seemed generic.

Not a horrible movie and at least I didn't feel like I've lost time out of my life that I can never get back.

2 out of 5
pacific rim

transformers problem for me was the cluster of giants filling the entire screen making it difficult to make out the action.

I understood they were giants but if I don't see or understand the action then its a moot point.

This movie did a good job with making giants seems like giants while still being able to discern most of the action.

My problem with this movie was 2 hours and 11 minutes. Thats 131 minutes. This movie should NEVER have gone past and could have made an even better impact at 96 minutes with the last 6 minutes being credits.

Still it was a decent movie so...

2.5 out of 5
One of my favourite vas Now you see me,great movie in my opinion.
I have seen kickass 2-didn't dissapoint me
and insidious 2-great for a horror movie,horrible for me since i don't like the genre but it was way different from others...i mean,allthough it was a horror movie it was nice
Insidious 2 coming *Evil*
waiting eagerly for X-men : Days for Future Past :)
Grown Ups 2

20 first minutes were sooo generic. I hated it.

The rest got waay better. Maybe because I decided it sucked and I needed to get even more drunk but after that it got better.

Not much tho...

I'm a big Adam Sandler fan but this by far was not his greatest work.

1.5 out of 5 stars.

I still believe Happy Gilmore and Click are his best.

On an off note, around the same time Happy came out there was also one of my other favorite movies that came out called Ace Ventura from a little known (haha, joking about this status) actor named Jim Carrey.
Still no talks of Thor 2..?:O

superb movie..perfect sequel..hemsworth proves his worth again

most of all..the climax fight was the best
it was more comedy than action..totally worth watching..and the railway scene was gr8.on how to reach greenwich..:D

and yeah ..LOKI ROCKS!..the last scene is very shocking leaving viewers in a condition like "Oh my GOD..!what in next part.?"

i give 4.5 stars out of 5 stars
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