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AuthorMarry Christmas and new year
I whish marry christma and new year to all ppl on the world. I fell fine. How do u spend your time in this "events"?Was celebrating those? How do u celebrate?Spend this time with your family or /and with your friends?And other things.

Im hungarian, boy, 19. I "celebrated" christmas and new year too. Im only live it also,but its ok.Christmas.Usually we dont make a big thing about it.Whe have got this day like others,but that's the differences about it how we make this time specially foods.Egzample fish soup, fish with fish and "mákos guba" (sweet dish with rolls soaked in milk and poppy seed topping) and other like this.So meat with meat and other like this.And "candy cane"(A traditional Hungarian fondant candy, covered by chocolate, and wrapped in shiny coloured foil. Somebody hangs it on the Christmas tree as decoration but we not, our family eat it only xD.)

So crishtmas is difference in eating and gifting.Gifting is only that for us,hogy we go to the gradma and grandpa ,eat cakes, change gifts(usually chocolate or/and shampoo or like that).

New year .Usually its no difference , only at food,and make awake us till 24:00 and go to sleep about 1:00 of the first day of the new year.Before 24:00 we cheers one time with our close family(mother father and brother) and go to the neigborhood(our grandparents live in our neigborhood) to cheers with gradparents too.Sometime grandpa use fireworks,but i dont like that too,bcos not a big thing.Dogs dislike it too. So its my newyear usuilly.But this year i was spend new year days with my secondaryschool classmate's house.This was the first time when i was spend this new year celebrating in other place .It was good.

Im a tipically "thrower"(i dont know this word in english.so that ppl who play a lot with computer.)
So good to know this...:) Usually i get annoyed by bad english... but not this time.. its a great thing to share :)
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