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Authorloans with interest rates
Any banking and bookmaker activities are prohibited without exception.
Banking activities - granting loans with interest, receiving money from other players on deposit accounts, pawn shop business, insurance operations or any other bank activities.
Leasing artifacts and other non-monetary valuables is allowed.
Borrowing and loaning gold with no interest is allowed. Every transaction must be signed properly, indicating the terms of loan.

Such rules are made not to discourage yoor merchant and trading skills but to prevent illegal transfers from/to multis/alts disguised as loans
the ting about that is it would be obvious. if it was only the same accounts over and over those are not real loans. and also i believe the moderators and admin can see the profiles using the same ip addresses. so if anything this would help them crackdown on the illegal transfers between multis.
It is already messy to sort out the transfer log of cheaters. This will make it even more difficult.
I would give a +1, since it will help me, because I'm a camper and I could make some extra money with loan interest...

But, like STB already said, it's hard enough to control the amount of cheaters, so I give a -1.
I had proposed an alternative to it but seems that people are concerned about roulette junkies way too much who cannot control their betting habbit:/

for _1rip1_:
People who need loan: 0.1%= normal people. 99.9%=roulette junkies.

Roulette junkies don't want to earn money by hardwork. In turn they would bury themselves in loan with a hope that they hit the right no. to clear everything. That is their tendency. An empire sanctioned loan would result in many accounts being blocked or fined since they WOULD never earn money by enrolling( they don't want to, they would rather bury themselves in loan and depend on so called "roulette luck")

P.S: NO offense to roulette enthusiasts they are fun loving people who play roulette with the money they don't need. All good for them.
I agree with Jon
99% people who will take loan will be roulette junkies

so -1
well it is their own fault, if they chose to waste money and possible give up on character that's all them. its their choice. but it does give me a good idea. the item loans can have an auto recall on them so add the same with gold? even if you are doing it without interest it would be a nice option to avoid getting scammed. also the option to receive money back even if it sends other player to -gold. sorry but I am a vicious business man, I like to make money.
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