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Author[News] 3rd Team Blindfold Tournament
he talks about his faction only
in team blindfold , prices isnt given according to faction.. thats the case for blindfold plus battles ;)
Actually, it seems to follow a pattern. There are three teams. The AI knows the teams perfectly well. Now When an AI attacks me, it's team member will also attack me. Now if the other human player attacks the team attacking me, then its more or less even.

Problem arises because he will not do that. The player often thinks that he is in a regular blindfold tourney. Last battle, he attacked me. Then everyone attacked me.

Or he will attack another team. In which case of course, both the AI of that team attacks him. And we are all eliminated.

The solution is to wait to see if the other human is engaged, then fight the same target.
now this is a close fight lol
i won with dark elf faction level 5, no skill potion. good way to train lower factions aswell :)
i allmost brok my laptop after this battle!

In which case of course, both the AI of that team attacks him. And we are all eliminated.
Not true... Not we all eliminated... In some of my battle , I win first but I didn't help other human

If u check my battle, I didn't always help other human,
I make a calculation,
Condition (1) My teammate will drop first no matter I help him or not
My response - I aim for my own good.

Condition (2) My teammate will not drop first if I help him
Split to (a) and (b)
Check how is our score(total) (a)if I help him VS (b)if I didn't help him
If a=b , I didn't help him since our total is already same which mean i get better result.
If a>b , I help
If a<b , I didn't.

You could confirm that most of my battle, Human do crazy things and he'll drop first no matter I help him or not.
So I just make him quick and get first position (and yes I get first)
96 points are superb!

Hope i could also get it :P
this tournament is retards magnet?:)
teammates keep attacking me even they know i'm human
until the game had finished i had no doubt in my mind that the orange dwarf has to be AI!!!
crazy people like that baffle me!


on another note, I'm starting to really enjoy this tournament :D
if you don't get utter idiots as teammates you can have so much fun manipulating the two AI teams into fighting each other :D
i wish the duration of the tournament was longer :(
i can barely do one battle per day! no way i can finish 20 battles in time! :(
Is the details of independancy a state secret?

Seems my troops get really eager to attack - far earlier than my AI enemies. Furthermore, it seem somebody knows how to avoid independancy - check yellow player out in this battle:

-you may want to use x2 speed 'cause it takes a while before he moves or attacks!? he pm me afterwards a google translasion something that could be interpreted as "without shooters = no independancy" - however strange that sounds...

This battle also support my privious stated suspicion - that AI does not have to deal with independancy. However, this may be tolerable as the AI are, smart as they may be, not human and therefore fairly predicable, but I would like to know the mechanics of independancy - mostly how to avaoid/minimize it!?

Great type of tourney - if only the detailed rules were are little more disclosed!

I'm really not sure about the rules of getting independence, i believe i read somewhere long ago that it's if you wait/defend/cast certain spells 5 (or something like that) consecutive turns. based on my personal experience it seems to be based on the time passed on the ini bar (so usually at the end of the game where you have fewer stacks you get more independence). it is possible also that it's a fuzzy mix of them!

BUT, on your second thought about AI teams getting independence you are wrong. note that it does not say when they get independence on the information section (only your own independence moves will get announced there); however i am pretty sure that they do get it. for example when there is a lords player and two AI players of the same team (for example alec's) remain, they sometimes attack each other and sometimes avoid each other, but if you're in their range they will only attack you. the only reason why they would attack each other while another team is still alive is independence.
well ive finished the tourny with 65 points.

i guess i have a small chance for incentive.
And that happens when your fellow human players needs to quit this game and go play tetris or hello kitty island...

thanks for the comment :) not sure we got any closer to understanding how it work or how to counter the effect (though attacking obviously does the trick).

I just - still - dont understand how 3 players (2 AI and 1 human) can wait/defend that many times in a row as they did in my game (@149) without independancy.

maybe we have to use a secret combo like def-def-wait, def-wait-def to make the troops follow orders! :D

well about the orange DE, I'm as confused as you are!!! i have no idea how he managed to keep waiting/defending that many times!

however, I have to say that I have seen my troops defend automatically when getting independence. But, I'd guess that was a random thing. perhaps it isn't!

i can answer your confusion. the creatures that belong to a mage, aparently when they get independence, they defend.

at least this is what i have heard, it may be wrong
When I start, I face independence.
After 5 battles, I rarely get independence (at most only once or twice in the whole battle)
After that , No independence with very rare exception battle and only once.
At last around 5 battles, I never get independence.

I am knight, so I can say only for knight.
Never wait or defend with xbow.
Split xbow to 3 stacks. hero never wait or defend.
In this way, I never get independence
Note that I'm lv 10.
hmmm, not sure about that, since my garg were trying to attack an enemy a few days ago. i was waiting with hero to gather mana for raise, and garg was defending. garg went independent and started running towards enemy and hitting him!
i can answer your confusion. the creatures that belong to a mage, aparently when they get independence, they defend.
wrong , my gargs always ran in crowd and died.. which resulted in defeat.. else it was easy win :/ my gargs never defended even once by independence
for Tri-Force:
In fact they keep tune AI during in these day.
AI's action have a lot of different with before.
see this combat https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=598772472
in it i didnt have anything so that my troops act waywardenly but also 2 times in the match they act waywardeenly so how this happened without having anyhthing how can they act????
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