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AuthorRare items discussion thread
I'd like to hear some thoughts on rare item sets. Even if you never played with one, I'm sure you have a favourite set. Some sets are designed for a certain faction, but there may be interesting combinations at certain levels. Please share your thoughts!
Tribal set is best ofc and my favourite set too. I wish i owuld get them in future :P
As wearing them gives 70+ attack to hero

For lower levels i like demon set as it gives Fireball spell at expert chaos level :P
Paladin set seems nice for all factions.
Militant set for a low level fury barbarian would be nice. Those goblin archers would increase their hit points with 67%.
Skeletal bowman can rock with militant set and vitality for might necros.
Demon set is my favorite, it is awesome for levels 9 and below. I really want to test the Amphibian set too, it looks great.
Unruly barb set is a dream for a DE ;)
Unruly barb set is a dream for a DE ;)

How does that First blood talent work?
Troops get +2 speed and 10% damage, giving us exceptional prowess :D
sets are free victories in QT, apart from that not really required ^^
Militant set for a low level fury barbarian would be nice. Those goblin archers would increase their hit points with 67%.

You can always try that one, I put it in depo :).

As far as sets go, I've tried several, I've noticed that the one's that are really worth an investment are not always what people consider "the best sets".

Tribal set is good, agreed, yet against one templar set with 5 morale a tribal set is useless. Unruly barbarian is good, yet not worth 7kk. With a high enchant recruiter set you can slaugther one with Unruly easily (check my QT's).

Paladin set is good, yet the repair is way to costly to you have to lease high per battle what make's it not worth owning one. Same goes for elf scout/merc.

IMO, is templar (+4 morale) with demonic boots and elfen bow (or tribal) the best possible set one can have.
Unruly barb set is a dream for elfs
being able to reach enemies in survilurgs in pretty much 1 turn without the needed talents ? yes pls
problem with first blood is that you only get +2 speed after you get hit :)
problem with first blood is that you only get +2 speed after you get hit :)
So what If a tribal has the set and he attacks his own troops (as he has spell to do that from level 10)
Will the first blood spill ? :D
I think it should
problem with first blood is that you only get +2 speed after you get hit :)
well elfs are getting focused first in surivilurg battles anyways so you are guaranteed to get that pretty fast ;)
Ive always wondered what a good set for a knight might be.

But because theres no chance of me buying one of those fancy sets,I guess Il have to be satisfied with a tactician or recruiter one only :P
closed by DEATHisNEAR (2014-04-05 13:16:28)
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