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AuthorChildhood Memories
I want to hear everyone's cute childhood memories :)
When I was a child, older friends convinced me pokemon were real and motivated me to go a nearby forest to look for them. I got lost there, cried almost for an hour till someone escorted me to safety. I was laughed upon for days. ._.

k. :|
What happened with my cousin was a funny story..
He alone went to a place almost 250km away
What he had were Rs 10 and he bought oranges and was eating them
Then he was feeling alone and started crying
some of our relative found him and dropped him back to home :)
What for people who are still children xD
I always want to be :)
Come on.. no matter how small you are you have those memories :)
and that much small babies cant play this game :)
When I was a child, older friends convinced me pokemon were real and motivated me to go a nearby forest to look for them. I got lost there, cried almost for an hour till someone escorted me to safety. I was laughed upon for days. ._.

k. :|

I cnt stop laughing at the moment :D

I'm sure everybody's childhood was pretty AWSM...No studies,no tensions,no restrictions n the best part is njoy the day by playing n sleeping
I would luv to live them once again :) :D
When I was a child
I was sitting on a scooter
suddenly a bull came and the scooter fell down
And I was sitting there for 10 mins
and suddenly someone came and saw me and shouted
then I started crying :P
When i was 3 years old , I had an awesome crush 8)
Well when i was 6 I had one girlfriend :P
But I left the school then :D
i once went to an amusement park
in a water ride consisting of tubes, i went in a small plastic raft...
since i was a bit fat, my raft got wedged in a small part of the tube.... water was gushing at me and the place was gettting filled...
i couldn't breathe, then i passed out... until some authorities arrived and punched my stomach.....and the water came out....
it was an unforgetable experience..... :')
Once we had organized some ritual function
Where there was too much crowd
and I had to reach the stage
I fell down in the crowd
everyone was stepping on me
I was unable to breathe
However i was crawling and reached back to a corner..
was horrible :)
One of friend came to me and said that he has an armor of power ranger and he will give it to me nd said that we will kill all ghost in our city..I was too excited ;)

If i think that now its really silly :P
Me and my best friend .. when I was 9 years old
On our small bicycles
roamed the complete city :P
What we did was finding homes of all our classmates and we succeeded :P
Once my sister jumped from a 3rd floor..
It was roof of their home
She was flying kite..
and a monkey came :P
to save herself .. she jumped and got fracture in his leg :P
for Mage Forever: you created a new character... and yet still you are strange and crazy.
I am always :) strange and crazy
When I was young it was not long after the world was formed. I remember wandering off and I got lost among all the lava flows and vvolcanoes. I had to walk miles and hide from dinosaurs plus avoid dangerous plants etc for around 4 days before I found my way home.
Hmm wake up DiN.. wake up :)
Its over
Oh DiN is not waking I should throw a bucket of water on him !
she jumped and got fracture in his leg :P
* her :P
yup...silly grammar ;p
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