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Authorimmediate launch in survil
After all row have been full row fill.
Survil defense should make immediate launch or lunch 1 minutes after full.

Just like full enroll in card tournament start before time limit.

It was like when they come to attack our facility, we launch our attack before they emerge their attack :D
some people might want to chat with other people about their plan during the fight..
sorry but -1 :(
+1, good idea, save a lot of precious time :)
very bad idea for me
i am affraid it would just make more people time out because of afk.
***maybe only if the defense is filled within 30 seconds***

after enlisting, i assume that the battle will start in 15 minutes... usually i go play another game during that time, or browse the forums, or make dinner... i do not want to be forced to stay and wait and stare at the screen, just in case the defense will fill early
Once you join, you can jude how soon will full fill.
if it was fill *over half* in 30 second or so, it is highly likely it will full in 1 minutes

The option start only in the first 2 minutes or so (1 minutes is too few imo)
If no full within 2 minutes, it will last only the exact attack time.

some people might want to chat with other people about their plan during the fight..
since it was during the fight,same means you are in the fight.
if you mean, before the fight. who do such things? I really wonder. since you can do during settlement time
Still, I just persuade you, I can't change your decision :D

for nytyn:
That's what most of us(including me) do currently, but usually checking in the first 1-2 minutes is no problem at all.

There's always negative impact, yes I expect such answer since I also do the same.But I feel the time is more presious than these negative impact.
-1 sorry
I think those rows which have 3/3 players filled should be dispatched immediately. Much more forecast-able thing.

This will also enable mid powered clans to tackle 3-4 back to back defenses as players will be free earlier.

Partial +1
+1 to #12
Gives unfair advantage to clans that have multiple defenses at short time.
If it is random, let it be random for all.
Clans who have many members and can fill in defense quickly don't need more advantage by giving them also extra time between defenses.
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