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Author[NEWS] Mini-balance and preparation
Ogres L3 +1 Speed :D

So with innate swiftness talent, ogres have 6 speed :3
wolfs/boars L2 +1 defences
Dryads are Killer with Battle Fury + Verdant Wrath
Devils L2 +1 Speed
Combat level: 2
Frontier Ursary - Speed +1
Berserker - Attack +1
Dreadbanes - Speed +1
Devils L3 +1 Speed (+2 total)
dear lords,

i don't have access to the news before its publishing (i'm asking about it again and again), but i will always try to translate it for you asap

i'll translate just the general meaning for the sake of saving time

i've just came home and i'm going to translate the latest news for you

i hope the admins will publish it soon
L3 Frontier Ursary - Speed +1(Total +2)
Death Envoys

L2: +1 speed
L3: +3 def
Devils L4 +10 hit points

L2: +1 min dmg
L3: +1 init


L2: +1 range
If some1 wants to play with me, Pm :)
It's boring to play with these russians again and again.
for l_e_s_e_n_a:

Crusaders lvl 2: +1 min dmg.
- Cerbers:
L1 +1 initiative
- Nightmares
L1 +1 initiative

Dark Demon:
- Fiends
L1 +1 maximum damage
6/6 till now
the event is pretty good :) thanxx admins!
btw, wizards rock in this event! always join a wiz :P
We get an announcement
Wardens lvl 2: +1 max dmg
here it says cloud essence, but in battle it says sylvan energy ?
What will happen if I change faction after troops improvement?
Will it reset ?
for l_e_s_e_n_a:
you got any info about ther racial ability ?
i dont understand ther spell power, knowledge and few talents too.
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