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Author[HWM Daily] Christmas present
Ehh give someone a finger and they starts to want whole body ...

For me some free FSP (Faction Skill Points) can be good. So its my wish ;)
i wish i had faction level 11 or at least close to it
since i was a .com player there was not much event or good battles (fsp ratio wise) to fight so i did too many pvp and i dont have a good exp/fsp ratio.
On behalf of the .com community, I wish for lesena's photo albums to be restored ;)
"Do not ask your citizen's
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,
but it is the way of foolishness.
Help them instead to find the wonder
and the marvel of an ordinary life.
Show them the joy of giving,
effort and hard work.
Show them how to cry
when pets and people die.
Show them the infinite pleasure
in the touch of a hand.
And make the ordinary come alive for them.
The extraordinary will take care of itself.”

That is my wish :D
Ehh give someone a finger and they starts to want whole body ...

For me some free FSP (Faction Skill Points) can be good. So its my wish ;)

By looking on some post I have changed my mind : now my wish is .......................... 5 stars ESTATE.
2. Nobody can change or correct his wish.
By looking on some post I have changed my mind :

Did you look at the rules? No changing of wishes.

I see a lot of unachievable wishes in this thread. lol
Ability to switch from the current main faction with all the skill points being transferred to the new faction along with full castle built.(although we loose old castle ,but get new one, that we switch to) ;)
Did you look at the rules? No changing of wishes.

I see a lot of unachievable wishes in this thread. lol

Its not a wish changing its a sarcasm.
Happy old citizen on the road,
intense knowledge of the world since he's old,
one of the oldest players on the realm,
has been through many lots of rough paths,
but decided to continue in the realm,
he enjoys his money on roulette,
loves competing with young friends,
satisfied with the game as it is,
and yet hopes to find a sword,
along the road as he walks .....
I wish to receive one chest of abundance :)
I wish Lesena to show me atleast 10 to 15 of her *more than* half nude photos!
I wish i can add you ( l_e_s_s_e_n_a ) as my Wife in game relationship xD
Reason - well its pretty obvious i guess? :P
Hope my christams wish will be fulfilled XD
I really appreciate the HWM daily and the work l_e_s_e_n_a does for us commies. I would like to read some interviews with successful players and hear about their thoughts on the game and what achievements they are most proud of. At my combat level I'm impressed by this one (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=412521), reaching the number one spot at two insights and he is also a very good pvp player, but there are of course plenty of good players at other combat levels than my own. It would be nice to read about them.

I also wish you a merry christmas.
well my wish... i had a ( https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=sh_bow ) and some new year drinks :)
I wish to be able destroy castle buildings with full refund 1 time only!
My wish is to upgrade my forest keeper and so be able to fully enjoy this game again.
Also i wish a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all lords !
I wish I could reach finally Wizard Faction Level 6 :D
I wish a permanent drake mount for me.
I wish to get item useful item for might DE with high durability(+2000) and with low repairing cost(1 gold)
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