Author | plz help |
my friend Klampy the leader of kingdom has been blocked and the clan has no gold now and i want to improve the condition of the clan and no one except the recruter is online in the clan ist my earnest request to plz change the leader of the clan
i be very greatfut to u |
i request if u pass the leadership to someone who is financially strong |
for Roars-Of-Night:
3.29.2. It is possible to ask an Administration representative to reassign the clan leadership from leader to deputy in the following cases:
- Military clan: clan leader is absent from the game for 3 months or more; the leader has not prohibited to reassign leadership in his clan in his or her personal information page;
- Clan with blocked leader: the leader does not have "Not to be unblocked" seal in his transfer log; the leader is not blocked for financial assist, insults or SHL; at the moment of block the clan counts more than 50 members. |
closed by Beliar (2015-01-08 21:58:10) |