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I'm having so much trouble with group battles. I can't help but feel sorry for my team mates as we're sure to lose with me on the team Dx
It seems that if I split my bowmen, FK are quickly cut down as there's nothing to take retaliation for them. If I split FK, bowmen get destroyed after one attack. I can't say I'm bad at duels as I don't play them, but group battles I've got worse and worse at. Any tips?
Maybe someone could post a battle as an elf my level showing good tactics or something?
i just watched your last two match..sorry you can't do anything and all i can give is never join group battle with naked (i mean no Armour or weapons) thous two battle you are only one person with 0 def and just 5 attack..you watch other people they are all medium or full art.

also your character build up is wrong, see each hunter guild lvl up gives you +1 attack, i guess you concentrate to get hunter guild lvl 3 first
see this battle ..that lvl4 elf have 10 defense,

Duels aren't the most funny fights, but it is by far a better way to learn strategy. Then you will easily see what you did wrong and did good. I suggest you to try a duel and I'll tell you what was or wasn't good.

As for FK/bowmen strategy, I would advise to split bowmen in 3 and have two retaliation stacks. At low levels, I also happened to have a small stack of a few units to kill opponents retal takers in 1 hit.

Of course, Ivy's right, gold management plays an important part in this game. I always considered 1 more or less attack to not be really relevant overall though, but hunter guild is surely a good way to get some easy and handy gold.
You do need some patience with this game in order to improve. At the moment you have not even reached laborers guild level one.

You need to enrol to get cash, to buy arts and then as your guild level increases so will your defense.

At the same time you should be hunting. Again you will gain cash and increase your hunters guild level thus increasing your attack.

More importantly you will be able to buy arts with all the cash you gain.

Then you will be competitive in group combats.

good luck)
yep Gold management is the main key. you must know how to make gold in legal way. and how to use it wisely :)

always keep and eye on this two guild , first gives +1 attach each lvl other give +1 def every alternate lvl up

Hunters' guild: 1 (51.00) +9.0
Laborers' guild: 0 (29) +61
also your faction fsp (faction skill point)
Elf: 2 (85.54) +4.5

tips> do hunting with out arts till you reach lvl 5 and then do with mini art
> enroll without fail
People have already said this, but I must emphasize that Gold management is the key, since gold lets you buy better artifacts, which are the way to win. The Hunters' Guild and Laborers' Guild are also really important, since they give you permanent boosts to attack and defense, so enroll a lot and hunt a lot :)

With a full set of good artifacts and good Guild bonuses, you can pull of a victory with okay-ish tactics. But without any artifacts and low Guild levels, you'd have to be really good to win. Here's why:
With a bit of math and some simplification:

Every extra attack would let you do about 4% more damage, and
Every extra defense reduces damage taken by about 3-4%

Once you start wearing a bunch of good artifacts, PvP combats will become much easier. You'll probably have to hunt and enroll a lot first, though.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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