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AuthorWhich guilds do I need to upgrade?
See my guilds and FSLs also, can you suggest which guilds should I improve?
I don't have a TGI so don't suggest Thief's guild.


enrol, enrol, enrol :)
yes LG that is most important if you are not a big time donator
rest of the guild is depends on your taste and like... which others can't do anything much
ok and how much resistance should i get in each faction?

I like to play with all the factions
Try to get fsl 5 in each faction before reaching HG7 and MG 5...thereafter, hunts are MG are relatively harder to build resistance

For the guilds, my preference:
ok bro:)
i will beat you all soon!!

And am I going good?
Thieves' Guild
seems we caught 'Wonderla's hidden ( so called brother ) account
I think you need to improve Lg and btw why did K91 reply as if this topic was for him? o.o
Wonderla maybe find better way to hide your multies , or try not to post in forums from wrong id :p xD
sorry i posted with my brothers' account.
Wonderla's profile says he had a sister who playing LWM and a brother(k91) or two brothers( lostperson )
but his brother profile was only saying about his only brother (Wonderla) and silent about sister!!! i am just confused lol
maybe find better way to hide your multies
you can try to do that, If anyone has any issues with my post from my brother's account, go and confirm it from arctic that K91 is my brother, he knows it!
for Poison Ivy:
lostperson and k91 are the same. My sister played the game for 2-3 days only and came back for 1 or 2 days. So my brother didn't add it in his description cause she has already almost abandonned her account
sorry i posted with my brothers' account.
You are making yourself in trouble now
Password transfer , and declaring it publicly?? hahaha
for Black Fog:
I don't know whether your family lives in the same house or they have been separated due to some circumstances, but tell me if your brother logins from the same computer as yours, would you call it password transfer? I didn't see he was logged on, I thought it was my ID that was logged on so posted there. If you have any problems, go complain to admins.

Can we come back to the topic? I think this forum is just a place to get criticised. There were only 2-3 answers to the question but when a mistake took place, the posts almost went 3 times lol.
haha rightly said xD

God save these lost souls
Anyway, as other said, enroll, enroll and enroll and maybe try to get a TGI asap. Same for your brother :p.

For the rest, try to get any bonus your can get. HG and MG bonusses are nice, same for LG bonusses. TG and CG are more difficult, but in the long run they are also very good.

And getting gamblers guild 12 also is a good investment (especially for events), but it's a very long road to get there, I didn't even start yet myself (but if I had done one game per day I probably had it already :D).
For me LG is not an objective. Reality is : you need *tons* of money to sustain heavy arts in events (easily 50-100kper week at lvl 15+), and to build lots of castles (about 750k per week at lvl 15+). The only way to get that money is by enrolling a lot.
And guess what : along that way, you get LG level ups :o)

As for other guilds : level them all up, it makes the game a lot less repetitive if anything.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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