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AuthorMisuse of Wizard faction to attack on me in same team ...! :(
Dear LORDS/LADIES just help me how to make a person permanantly blocked ?

He used Multi ID in battle and misused Wizard powers on team i.e on me :(
The follwing is the battle in which that bad event occured.


So i want justice and want that traitor blocked and legal actions should be taken agains him.

See this battle and please make sure that this ID get banned please its a request from a good and regular player.
Highly dissatisfied,
Thanking you,
Your,s faithfully. :)
SORRY for the Above ID link...

Here is the LINK for that battle..


please help me out.
sorry posting clearly :P

staged or intentional battle loss, attacking same team member to help opponents.
Battle link: https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=668110489

Player :https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=6391319
closed by Edwin (2015-02-09 18:47:22)
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