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AuthorInventory space solution for Smith/Enchanter
I can't repair/enchant stuff when inventory is full.

It's nice when in event you get 9 arts for free, but those arts take inventory space, which means you can't do repair/enchant services.

At the bottom here
you can see
Transfer elements »»

Please add two more lines there:
Transfer item for repair »»
Transfer item for enchanting »»
(this will also solve the annoyance to write descriptions like "sending art for repair", I mean such things should be done automatically)

so that:
1) You can send many items this way (make a list)
2) Smith/Enchanter can accept just one item for repair and one item for enchanting (he can can accept another if he returns finished item)
3) If Smith/Enchanter accepts your item then your inventory space won't be reduced (which means he can return your item even if your inventory is full)
4) Smith/Enchanter can accept item even if his inventory is full (items put into Blacksmith don't take inventory space at all)
If repairing is finished then the item should be returned automatically.
Enchanter should return it manually though.
Things like

Specify price: 1 gold
Specify transfer type: "Transfer with recall in:"
Transfer with recall in: 0.01 days, 0 combats, Allow repairing

should be done automatically.
For example, look here:

2015-02-26 14:07: Received item: 'Thief amulet' [0/60] to be returned until 26-02-15 14:21; for 0 battles ; (repairing allowed) from Warwick-the-wiz . Transaction price: 1 Gold
2015-02-26 12:55: Received 8001 Gold from Warwick-the-wiz: repair thief amulet

It was made 2 separate transfers.
It should be the same one transfer instead.

When a player is sending item for repairing he should include his gold too (the payment for repairing).
The Smith should see the amount of gold specified and he can decide whether accept it or not.

There should be no transfer price at all for repair/enchant or make it always 1 gold.
Very good suggestions.

The items sent for repair and enchantment should still use up space for the owner. That way they can always be sent back. I fear for the day when someone sends me an art for enchantment and gets blocked or goes permanently offline. I will be standing with an art that I can't use and can't send back.

Perfectly stated.
The items sent for repair and enchantment should still use up space for the owner. That way they can always be sent back. I fear for the day when someone sends me an art for enchantment and gets blocked or goes permanently offline. I will be standing with an art that I can't use and can't send back.

Yes, if I repair/enchant my own items, those items should take inventory slots (as it is now, i.e. no change here).
btw the repairer shud be able to set his percentae charge so when sending art, it automatically deducts gold
btw the repairer shud be able to set his percentae charge so when sending art, it automatically deducts gold

I agree, but if for some players you have lower price, and for others higher price?

For example:

100% cost +1 gold: Edwin, Jitulek, Lord STB, snowholt270, john1924, Lambo, xaknos, Warwick-the-wiz, Lord anisa, anibux.
102% cost +1 gold: EW, AD
103% cost +1 gold: for other clans I'm in
104% cost +1 gold: everyone else
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