Bulk Order discount [For any arts]
For every 4 continuous rent in a day.
5% discount
For every 5 continuous rent in a day
6% discount
For every 8 continuous rent in a day.
8% disscount
For every 10 continuous rent in a day
10% discount
Refund Process
90% for unused combat
100% for stack up rent in the same day and the next one day.
(eg. you rent 4 battle and used only 2 battle = 2 unused and not refuned yet. then, you rent for another 2 fight addition, you get rent for 4 battle back)
The following two lords and their family member get 5 % discount for single use. 2% addtive on bulk order.
Except Mithril Longsword, All arts are cheaper (especially normal Dragon Shield) than shop rent.
So come here instead of shop.
Order in advance also welcome.Just tell me approximate time of your usage.You'll see in your inventory at that time or earlier.