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[Lease][Sword of Might][E10A10W10F10][320-350/Batte]

Author[Lease][Sword of Might][E10A10W10F10][320-350/Batte]
350/battle as standard price.
320/battle price as discount for military clan members. Also may be applied for old consumers who already rent for more than 1 hundred times.

Since I'm currently out of any military clan, the first option does not apply, yet.

Have a nice day!
[Post deleted by moderator Wertz // ]
Rent timing system:

1 - 4 Battles = 2 hours each. (2 hours up to 8 hours)
5 - 9 Battles = 2 hours and 30 minutes each. (7:30 up to 12:30)
10 - 29 Battles = 3 hours and 20 minutes each. (32 hours up to 92 hours and 40 minutes)
30 - 60 Battles = 4 hours each. (120 hours up to 240 hours)
61 - 85 Battles - 5 hours each. (305 hours up to 425 hours)
86 - 99 Battles - 6 hours each. (496 hours up to 597 hours)
100 Battles = 7,2 hours each. (720 hours, aka 1 month!)

If for some reason not all battles were taken, 90% return for any unused battle.
5 - 9 Battles = 2 hours and 30 minutes each. (12:30 up to 22:30)

Just fixing some serious math error.
Only wanted to say that, I'll change the price benefit from being a loyal customer, and I also gonna add recruiter set, GH set and thief set on the list of leasing.

I'm just need to replace my GH set for a new one, and buy a few more parts from other sets. This currently system will not work nor count towards future discounts, since it's outdated. The currently price 350/battle still applies.
closed by Angel of Death (2015-04-08 17:21:57)
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