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AuthorHunt assist Share %
Giving option to share hunt assist with the limit of 30-50% or something.
Where damage deal doesn't mattet but gain exp and fsp as option ratio.

Supporting caster (Holy and darkness) deal less damage since they support and in return, they get very few exp and fsp in hunt assist.

The idea allow caster to play in their role instead of rushing in afraid of fsp loss expecially if the other party is not cooperative.
The idea allow caster to play in their role

Supporting caster (Holy and darkness) deal less damage since they support and in return, they get very few exp and fsp in hunt assist.

Even if they deal a lot of damage, they will still receive very less exp in comparison to the hunt asker and max fsp would still be 0.5.

By limiting rewards to less than 50%, I don't think it will increase number of assistants rather only decrease the will of players who like to do hunt assists for gold, good exp-fsp ratio and HG points
they will still receive very less exp
Which is seem good fsp ratio

The idea allow caster to play in their role

A holy player (whether assist one or ask one) can buff on his allies instead of himself that is more benefit instead of buffing himself, but no need to worry less fsp because of no damage deal much.

By limiting rewards to less than 50%,
The idea is 30-50% or something, may be 40-60% , It doesn't mean to lower than 50% but anyway, no matter how much assist kill in current, he still can't get more than 50%.

This mean 50% or below currently.
I believe the right call would be increasing the fps/exp reward for holy/darkness magic, giving a percentage from total amount receive, but for those particular cases only. If an might or chaos wizard join the fight, they'll receive the exactly currently standard.


Well, I really don't care... So +1.
LR 8 : It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions of changing the experience/skill points award formulas

That said if you wish to aim towards killing a set percentage each you will need to hunt with a partner you trust and make the battles last a little longer so slower killing factions have time to kill more creatures. Not so easy on challenging hunts.

The main idea however is not allowed here.
closed by DEATHisNEAR (2015-05-13 02:40:31)
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