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Dead Guild /Commander guild

AuthorDead Guild /Commander guild
Unlike other guild, it's first level is too much 150 points
and in addition, +1 for each 2 level is same as MG which is pretty easy.

Although player go CG for mostly fun, the reward is doom unlike hunt,mg.
PVP become weak guild while PVE give better status including thief.

Should I post it in I&S ?
What is the idea ?
To improve CG experience table or anything.
example - Instead of starting level points 150, reduce it to be some reasonable.
But don't want to say specific upgrade like that, may be +1 for each CG level and +2 starting from CG.

CG Battle are in max AP
CG Battle in it's name favor better guild than other guild
CG experience are too much compare to other guild exp so if you play CG, you'll level up faster than playing other guild.

But now all I can see is CG battle suffer against other guild battle.
Way better than survilong and duels/gb.
+ Bonus FSP for CG battles
+ You can gain CG points for wins for certain tournaments
/ It's fun to play with and against real players instead of the AI though it can get frustrating sometimes

CG isn't meant to be cheap, just like smith or enchanting guild.
just my opinion

CG is fun,
You play the game for fun.

PVP become weak guild while PVE give better status including thief.
how do guids and stats even matter if you don't play pvp?
The AI Balancing horribly designed. Most of the battles are one sided.
Most of the battles are one sided : Just make sure you are on the right side then.
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