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Authorwage - rounded up or down?
say my wage come to be 198.5
it become 199,yes?
or 198?
or decimal stored in memory and when next time i enroll and get 198.5, it become 199?

I'd ask these question in chat but hardly anyone there. I try to ask someone there this question many time since yesterday but no one there. It is dead as a graveyard. They should call it cemetery and change the clan name from "LWM - Chat moderators" to "The Sextons" -.-
Bet in next necromancer event they attack the chat. /end rant!
It always rounded down.
No, it follows the basic rules of rounding.

If your wage is 198.5 it will become 198
but if it was 199.5 it would become 200
No, it follows the basic rules of rounding

What rules? 0.o
Its always rounded up or down
I never noticed but I think

1.01 to 1.49 will be rounded of to 1.00

and 1.50 to 1.99 will be rounded to 2.00

That's the basic rules of rounding actually
What rules?
First you need to know the significant digits, in this case it is upto integer, i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc and not 1.2, 3.7 etc.

Now if you get a number say x.1 to x.4 it will be rounded down always to x.
If the number is x.6 to x.9 it will be rounded up always to x+1.
But if the number is x.5, whether it will be rounded up or down depends on whether x is even or odd.
If x is even, x.5 will be rounded down to x while if x is odd, x.5 will be rounded up to x+1 .

I hope you get it:)
i think in the site they round it down if its .5 and up if its .6 and up
interesting question, think I enrolled more than all posted above combined, never thought about that :d

MarineBiologist, dont mind about those half golds.. just enroll as much as possible, any minute passed without a job costs more ;)
for Murali:

Murali answer is right. Always rounded down.

I was hoping it get stored in memory and gives gold. That would be so unerring and perfect.
"You earn what you earn, no less, no more."

Hopefully admin change it in future. :)
for Lord selfist:
It isn't much but still loss. i guess it make sense. In real life employer always trying to make employee work more and pay less. LOL!
Anyway is there any where topic available which list small thing like this? I would be very interested :)
closed by MarineBiologist (2015-05-25 13:43:54)
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