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AuthorHow much HG is the most helpful to have?
I mean there are ppl who dont even consider hunts to be a part of the game and players who almost only play hunts.
I might make a new account and i want to make it the best i can, and how much i should play against neutrals to me is an interesting question. I definitely dont think playing very few hunts is wise but is playing a lot wise either? I mean early on its ok but after u have a fairly high hg level, u start getting harder hunts, which r sure doable but u gain a very high exp and just the normal fsp, is ip worth it?
I have noticed ppl who play almost only hunts in the long term turn out to have relatively low total fsp.
However, this leads to me thinking something else. I have seen from the recent MT there are many players who hv an insane total fsp for their levels, i earlier used to think they got that from doing only pve, but if not, then from where? like a lev 9 main faction fsl and lots of resistance in other factions is insane for a lev 10. so what is the way i can get a very high fsp/exp ratio in my new character?
Guild battles = extra stats.
Other battles = no extra stats.

Fsp system will always fit the gap between players.
Why you wanna make a new account? For me its a waste of LG and TG.
You have good fsp for your lvl. In my opinion HG should be balanced, my formula is CL/2. But I see you should play more MG (good fsp ratio if play and win army in 1st attempt). 4th MG lvl is optimal for 11/12 CL.
Try to reach 3-5 racial lvl for others faction if you can and your char will be really good
I would say you are pretty balanced in it and would agree with the other comments made so far.

Personally HG is useful thing to keep ticking away as they put in more creatures and I think a good balance is to keep doing them if you can win in min AP. That way they will run at profit so completely sustainable, furthermore the easier ones are very useful for building up a faction that you have a low FSL for (MG is also good for this)

So for you I would get to the next Hunters level for the extra attack, then use them selectively to build other FSL and be in no hurry. If faction points is your main focus however I think CG is your best bet, certainly good to level in this early as you will then have a longer time to get more free arts.

However, ultimately it doesn;t really matter, it is a game, do what you enjoy. If that is building a character that is better than everyone else, then camp and be very selective in the events you do to max FSP/EXp ratio. If not just play what feels most fun, with a slight selection to what keeps the best balance.
I see... well that sounds very interesting, thanks a lot for answering my question!:)
and i really am not interested in being better than others, but i kinda like all aspects of this game, pvp, hunts, mg, cg and tg so i was just curious abt what to do to get the best results :)
abt why i wanna make a new account, its just i am not financially stable in this account, although it would be great if i could encash my tgi somehow, but i think i will just make a new account.
Also guys i am not sure if i should make a new topic for this but i also wanted to know what faction shall be a good choice for a new account. Just a small note, i level up quite fast so i think if a faction is good till lev 7 or so its irrelevant but im mainly thinking abt lev 10 and above. atm i think dwarf or elf sound pretty interesting, especially a dwarf with fsl 9, any ideas or comments on that one?
Thanks a lot for your help and support again :)
Choose the faction that you play better with.
Why don't you make an additional account, and keep playing with both?
You could use your new account to rush in, and use this one for camping and slowly make money, until it regain a stable economy.
I don't see how any new character would be more financially viable as would have less LG. Your transfer log has lots of loans etc, not been bothered to look enough to work out if you are net in debt or waiting for some to come back in. If you do owe a large amount you owe it to those people to stick at it to get their money for them.

So for financial viability - stop roulette and loans
try to enroll more, or at least move to get pay at 210 rate rather than settle for the lower rate and not move location
wear min AP
Do thieving to get TGI to sell
Do MG and sell elements
hunt in min ap and sell arts
Dont do roulette (did I mention that ;)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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