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Author | Changes in General Rules (Post factum!) |
Before I list the changes, I need to point out that the changes have taken place at some point in the past, I do not know when precisely. I have stopped by to do some server service, which among other things includes updating our help pages to their Russian analogs. Should you have taken actions which would be legal according to the actually posted rules, but illegal according to the updated ones, I cannot ensure that you will be pardoned due to the outdated version of our general rules. In any case, you may refer to this post in your defense.
Now down to the updated rules, there aren't many.
1.10. The following is not allowed to be placed in any private character information site (including photo album, clan description, estates description etc.):
- insults, threats, discriminating content (on gender, age, nationality and any other basis);
- materials of sexual, erotic or pornographic nature, propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations;
- direct or indirect advertisement of narcotic, toxic and/or psychotropic substances;
- information about suicide methods, incitement towards committing suicide, acts of aggression and/or violence towards humans and/or animals;
- incitement to mutiny, overthrow of government, terror activities and/or extremist activities;
- propaganda or demonstration of Nazi symbols, abbreviations and/or designations;
- political agitation and/or canvass of any kind, as well as political materials of deliberately provocative nature;
- piracy contents, copyrighted materials including software, audio, video materials, written works, trademarks etc. without explicit consent of the copyright owner(s).
An official clan member's request to remove any portion of text or an image is compulsory and not subject to discussion.
Not much changed here, some definitions were expanded and clarified. If you had broken any of these before the change was made, I'm quite certain you are in trouble ;)
3.13.6. Additional characters are not allowed to purchase insignia, rare set artifacts and Thief Guild Invitations (TGI) from other characters.
Additional characters may only enter the Thieves' Guild using diamonds, TGIs may not be bought by them.
Additional characters may set an auction for 3 days with initial price of 1 gold and no buyout price to sell any of the following:
rare artifacts (artifacts not listed in the shop and not obtainable in hunt);
artifacts whose description contains "This artifact is equivalent to shop artifacts";
TGIs obtained through reaching TG level 5;
Thief, Plunderer, Ranger, and Tactician sets artifacts obtained through leveling in respective guilds;
event artifacts massively obtained by most participants.
Such an auction is the only acceptable way for additional characters to trade any of the above listed items.
Increased durability shop artifacts obtained in chests of abundance or otherwise are not considered rare artifacts and may be sold and bought at ease
Now here we really have some big changes, especially the fact that items from chests of abundance may now be sold by multichars without those 3 days auction lots. | :)
I know it
You sometime come back to look after .com
Thank a lots.
Only extended shop arts selling rule, I dont think big change (unless huge donor) | propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations
What's this? "We want YOU to become gay!"? | Thanks for the updates.
It's nice to see you are still taking care of the .com server, Artic ;) | Thank you Arctic :) | propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations
Maybe define what 'traditional' sexual relations means?
Definitely same-sex sexual relations are fairly traditional, since they are known and documented since antiquity in a variety of nations in the world, by people (men and women) from all over the world.
Same-sex sexual relations are also wide-spread, well-known and well-documented in the animal kingdom (i.e., non-humanoids), even among Russian non-humanoids (although the documentation part may receive less publicity from their Russian humanoid counterparts).
Why discriminate between propaganda of traditional versus non-traditional sexual relations? Is it ok to make propaganda for traditional sexual relations?
Since the debate traditional/non-traditional is not physiological nor biological nor intellectual but a straightforward political matter, just by discriminating the type of sexual relations we're allowed to make propaganda for, pushes the forums into politics. | +1 to navi | Navi: but even propaganda of gay/lesbo marriages is illegal in Russia. It says everything. | Doggy-style with an astronaut helmet, a broomstick in one hand, hot fudge spread on partner's buttocks and a goldfish watching. Ok for advertising ?
And more seriously, thanks a lot for the update, Arctic ! | for Warlock naviron:
It's a very Russian way of categorizing non-heterosexual relations, if I may so say.
You have to remember that Russia is a very Christian country. Or rather, to be more precise, Russian people are very Christian people. One of the things Leninism failed to do despite its massive terror policy was to eradicate the Christianity of the people.
And you can't possibly argue that in terms of the two Testaments, non-heterosexual relations are completely non-traditional ;)
Yes, I know, the modern Capitalist system is being far more successful at doing that in Russia, slowly but surely making the God <=> Money concept swap, but that's a subject for a different conversation. | Capitalism is an economic system. Christianity is a religion. Leninism an ideology. God <=> Money swap is a social perspective.
Homosexuality is, exactly like heterosexuality, a primal instinct of all animal world, uneducated, uncultivated, unplanned, unjustifiable and undeniable, from as long as there has been life on Earth (human or not).
You are trying to justify a primal instinct over another primal instinct, both old as the world is, by current trends in geo-local politics, social prejudices, apprehensions, ideologies, religion... | But there should be boundaries, Lord navi, as for some people social upbringing / religion / ideology go almost as deep as primal instincts.
You could argue that necrophilia has been there forever too...
==> What about we move this interesting (for once !) debate to another section, and leave Arctic's unnouncement ? | You are trying to justify a primal instinct over another primal instinct, both old as the world is, by current trends in geo-local politics, social prejudices, apprehensions, ideologies, religion...
propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations;
God hates gays. All gays go to hell.
All homosexuals will laugh their way to hell at this.
Let this rule be an addition to the list of most ridiculous rules in LWM. | Forget about this gay/lesbo marriages - what about other outdated sections? And errors due to translations? | guys, let's make it simple, it's a game, there are kids, just don't talk about sex at all.
Problem solved.
Next! | I can't understand the point of the warlock's last post. I'm not justifying anything, I'm trying to answer your question and explain what's being called non-traditional, and the possible reasoning behind it.
Yes, every one of those concepts may be classified with a different concept, but they are all lined out just as I laid them out, it's history and it's in textbooks, too ;)
Besides, we don't play LWM uneducated and uncultivated, am I not right? =) We are highly organised entities here (at least when we aren't taking retal from griffins), and there are laws to abide by for the likes of us.
There is another primal instinct to rip your kin apart in the infraspecific competition for food and welfare and what not, will you bring it up as an example when I say murder is wrong? | You do justify one primal instinct over the other, without any ground other than some *local* socio-politics.
My point was not to say that one primal instinct is right or wrong (your murder comparison does not apply).
My point was that traditional/nontraditional sexual relations has been overwritten by *local* politics and social prejudices, since both types have existed before and outside of politics/society.
My point was that differentiating between traditional/non-traditional sexual relations is purely *local* politics.
My point was that legalizing one type of propaganda but not the other, is a purely *local*-politics decision.
And my last point is that we are from everywhere, and *any* *local* politics should not influence the game's rules. | propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations;
i think u are all missing the point, they clearly mean a relationship between and elf and an necromancer :P | Oh, okay.
Well, I didn't get any of that from that post.
I can't disagree on any of those, even with the last point, hell, especially with the last point (even though I understand we are no longer a standalone international server, but part of the *local* Russian server now)
Anyway, I think that was it with the general rules. I'll check up if there were any projects for modifying forum/chat rules.
Only Special abilities remaining to finish updating the help sections, as far as I could see. | for Warlock naviron:
There's a russian law that strictly prohibits "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations". Obviously admins have to obey russian law since this is a russian game and I guess that's the reason for the creation of that rule. That doesn't necessarily mean that the admin team shares that opinion. |
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