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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
All of them :P

Except demon? Or just haven't made the castle yet?
for Meshy:
Well yeah doing 1000 battles roughly to achieve tg 5 is tiring.

Except demon? Or just haven't made the castle yet?
Probably he will do it soon, though IMO tg is best with fast factions, like elf, de, or maybe even demon :)
Except demon?
Tribal: 3 (159.54) +0.5

So, tomorrow. :)
IMO tg is best with fast factions, like elf, de, or maybe even demon :)

Yup, I had to do it with Necro / UN, I got beaten so bad by DE and tribals mostly
for Meshy:
DE is the worst for elves =.=" but tribal is completely a piece of cake thanks to gmb.
How do you find chaos mages as an elf?
Hmm depends, normally not as bad as DE or necro.
can anyone please suggest me a cheap castle to build next??

I already have barb necro and tribal, I think next cheapest will be dwarf.. or maybe demon?
All factions are more or less the same in terms of cost, thus for whichever one you don't need magic guilds.
10 enroll - 1 hunt stuff is so boring...Time to enter TG
for Expert_BOT:
Yeah indeed, I am returning to tg as well.
Cheapest castle would be those you don't buy the magic guild (and inventory and marketplace for) otherwise they are more or less the same as said above.
Monday again :/
Bank holiday monday in the UK, day off. :D
Haha lucky you xD
And here we have Easter, 4 days off (week-end including)
for Velocity:
Isn't that like after 3 weeks?
Built Demon :)
Built Demon :)

Grats! Which has been your favourite faction so far?
That's about 2.3% of your total number of battles :P What's your score out of 22? I suppose it's around 5 or so.

22 Wins *
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