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Evil goat 2015

AuthorEvil goat 2015
How do you fight them? Will it casually come up like a normal hunt?
Yes. Just passby hunts until they appear.
They will appear just till 3th, inclusive.
After that you won't get to fight them unless you got one on 3rd and decided not to fight it until some later date. But in this case you won't get the monkey to fight beside you.
I think you have to be lv3 or higher to be able to meet them, not 100% sure though.
What are the consequences of passing by hunts? I heard that if you get them at a higher level you will then get less fsp?
fsp never changes. You could get more exp, but only if it is a very easy hunt. There is a minimum exp threshold that scale to your level, so doing those very easy hunts at level 1 will get you much less exp than if I would kill your 10 gremlins. But if we both kill 1500 gremlins, then we would get both the same amount of exp/fsp.

Only white hunts might be below the exp threshold really...
for Usbeorn:


You get the same fsp at all levels in the game i.e. 1. However as you level up exp/fsp ratio increases since you get more exp but fsp remains constant.
So can i get evil goats at CL1 or?
There is a minimum exp threshold that scale to your level

There is no threshold at CL 1 and CL 2.
You get exact exp as expected.
Eg: If you kill 32 Farmers, you will get 32 exp.
So can i get evil goats at CL1 or?
You can. See the top results for your level. It is 6 for all factions and DE as well.

If you kill 32 Farmers, you will get 32 exp. against 70 exp at CL 1.
for The_Glaive:
Yes you can. My answer in post 3 is wrong, thanks MarineBiologist for the correction!
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