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Author[HWM Daily] Dynamics of elements’ prices
A good read. Thanks!
A very good work.
Very informative, thanks l_e_s_e_n_a :)
So short summary: enchanting becomes about 30% cheaper from the element price drop.
thanks:) nice report
my new shiny 5x12 Survilurg sword just siting with Lord Robai :)
total cost about 460000 gold so about 25% cheaper but still happy.
nice analysis, thx a lot for translating l_e_s_e_n_a
for Goldberry:
Wow, congrats!
nice! i always like to read this economic stuff! :D
Nice article, maybe it is time to buy long term. What's your opinion? New mighty weapons stimulate the market prices to grow, but later the prices fall when all the clans and individuals own the needed enchants.

Most of the cost is created by the elements with cost >1k each, with Moonstone on top so actually we need to predict those prices.

By the way, does anybody have let's say 3-year-graph of element prices?
The spike in prices for Windflower and Meteorite Shard in September was due to clans enchanting the new Survilurg "magic build" sets. This affected Fire crystal prices too.

I would expect prices to continue to fall (gradually) until new artifacts are introduced. It is quite possible that new high-level shop arts could be introduced soon. This will cause a price rise as high level players race to enchant the new items.

I am buying slowly in order to enchant shop arts for CL17.

It is a good time to buy, though I think the above 3 elements are still overpriced.
For Elrond:
By the way, does anybody have let's say 3-year-graph of element prices?

Probably not useful for making predictions, as there are too many variables over that time period. But you could ask LITWIN.
Thanks for the notice, I had no idea elements price did change that much.

Probably not useful for making predictions, as there are too many variables over that time period. But you could ask LITWIN.

Especially data prior to the MG update...
Thanks for the opinion Warwick-the-wiz. Seems very reasonable.
closed by l_e_s_e_n_a (2016-01-24 16:26:36)
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