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AuthorI invite admins to prove their word. add a (?) button to WG errand lines.
well, Angel of Death again mixing apples and bananas.

So let me see if I get it right?
You're telling me that WG which requires full AP, isn't done by 'gold power,' that's a superb argument. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but somehow have you imaginated that anyone can wear full ap at any time, or there's a 100% winning ratio on WG battles and none ever lost a battle ever? Because in my point of view, if someone want to wear full ap, he/she will require money to purchase/rent it, and if it's possible to lose, then they'll require to keep spending "X" times, on each new attempt, but again, it's bananas and apples I guess, since 'money power' doesn't seems to be connected with personal wealth in order to be abled to do those battles, because if I understand correctly anyone can wear full ap at any time. Yeah, about this...

Let's analyse a little about hunt records.
Well, every year new hunts are added, with some unique temporary ones as well giving the opportunity of breaking a record with min ap, period.

MG about 'gold power...' I have a theory, which is basicaly about, it's required to be have a very high level of MG compared into CL in order to require more than min ap per battle, plus the need from extra AP will reduce based on CL vs MGL.

Let me try to trasnlate what I said above, let's assume that an CL 8, could reach MG 2 by using only min AP, and he/she would earn something called "elements" and he/she would sell those on market... Won't them actually make money, instead of losing? And then CL 10 vs MG 4, CL 12 for MG 6, CL 13 for MG 7, wheel keeps going on...
It seems to me to be a matter of personal patience, instead of requeriment of money, until of course a very high MG level such 14 for instance, but how many people are at this level anyways? So until reach some extreme deadline point, MG will actually 'somehow' give money to the players as long they do those battles wearing min ap, which is possible by the way. Mind blowing isn't?

You've give the solution from the problem in your tournament answer.
There's let's say a 'curiosity' amoung the possibility of some WG battles, then why not reveal the results once the battles were ingaged? Like do 1 attempt, if the player lose, he/she will be abled to reveal the original battle, watch and then adapt. Simple as that.

When you speak about features value, you're also talking about the worth of the ones that already exist, and also new features that would/wouldn't or will be 'adapted' to be implemented in future as well, based from line of thinking of "WG battles verification worths money." What I am trying to say is, it will have impacts and consequences, it's not simply "het let's add this here, and whatever next."

those like me, without patience to scroll / search tons of data (or dont want a headache caused by a process called thinking) may be willing to pay just to achieve some very simple info, fast and easy ;)

I cannot argue about personal preferences, that would be madness or simply stupity, however I just want to mention that value worth and requirement of an new feature that would benefit certain players are two different things.

guess many will burst into tears in forums, including me. losing you would be such a hard blow. consider again !!

How much have you donated since you've started to play this game?
I was wanting to let you reflect about this, but since I believe you'll probably go on those lines "WTF?"

A very small portion of players, probably unoticeable will simply leave the game, which hopefully you'll be abled to cover the monetary income loss from the game, by giving your own money as compesation, to keep the revenue at a certain margin, that's on short/instantly period.

On a very long term period (years), assuming this idea be implemented, people likes it and buy it, then the next features will be more and more about "how to
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for Derelict:
There doesn't have to be a tl;dr for everything. Is that how stuff needs to be said for your sake?

Honestly, this idea is really good on its own without that last bit. The point isn't that selfist suggested the cost of 1 diamond or 15k gold; the price itself is a secondary issue..(One of the guys wrote that price of 1 diamond is too much, but he is missing the point). Implementing this feature with ANY price is something OP cannot justify. Simply to say, if this is supposed to act as an incentive for admins then would be just wrong.

Personally I do not approve of adding further to a trend where you need to donate or spend gold to get miscellaneous services/features.
i must confess to slightly reassessing my position on this.

Originally (and still to a significant extent) I would like this feature - AS IW ould like to see how a battle I Could not win, was won.

However, it could be perceived to give an advantage to WG (At least from current position),so to have some form of cost seemed reasonable as I think it generally reasonable to think if you get an advantage you should pay for it. That was just looking at the specifc, not the bigger picture.

In the bigger picture where you can look at any hunt record and see how they won and imitate as you see fit - the precedent has been set - so to introduce a cost would seem unreasonable.

I also think just putting the reveal how it was won only if you lose/don;t get full stars, means that their is an effective cost. Either you just watch the battle and don;t fight it again (no actual direct benefit for the fight or your character stats). OR you use it to fight again - in which case either you had won it before - so do not get the gold bonus youd had previously, or else you lst before - so also did not get the gold bonus.

This seems more balanced to me and not likely to result in a pervasive increase in mini fees for services.

Alternatively I would almost be as happy with a list of records for all the mixed hunter events for level and faction as for this there is precendent set with hunter records to expect to be able to see these in advance.
So let me see if I get it right?
You're telling me that WG which requires full AP, isn't done by 'gold power,' that's a superb argument.

yes. That is absolutely true. and it is a superb argument.
I don't know if i can dumb it down anymore that it already is, so let me try and repeat what has already been said maybe you'll get it the second time:
with hunt records you can use whatever arts you want. sky is the limit. you might use a set that costs 20k per battle if you like. So, setting the record is not really based on luck/strategy/setup but mostly based on how much gold you're willing to spend. same thing with MG.
with WG that is not the case because you are limited to simple shop arts.

hence, as it was already said, apples and bananas.

You've give the solution from the problem in your tournament answer.
There's let's say a 'curiosity' amoung the possibility of some WG battles, then why not reveal the results once the battles were ingaged? Like do 1 attempt, if the player lose, he/she will be abled to reveal the original battle, watch and then adapt. Simple as that.

again; unlike HG/MG, WG relies on tactic/build rather than how much you're willing to spend.
knowledge is power and it can't be free. if it's provided for free everyone will have roughly the same WG level and it will become a boring guild which doesn't provoke any thought and doesn't reward talent.

the diamond idea has at least 3 benefits: 1) it provides admins with an additional income source which will help keep the game going forward. 2) it settles the suspicions that some errands are impossible and not based on battles already fought. 3) it might help teach some lazy rich old dumdums how to play! (LOL)

I cannot argue about personal preferences, that would be madness or simply stupity, however I just want to mention that value worth and requirement of an new feature that would benefit certain players are two different things.

you said it not me, what you're doing is madness or simply stupity, as you are obviously driven by your own personal feelings rather than rational thought.
although i suspect the reason is, you're incapable of rational thought, as most of your really long post is incoherent rambling rather than sensible arguments. tell me now, do you know a Sarah Palin" by any chance??!!

How much have you donated since you've started to play this game?
I was wanting to let you reflect about this, but since I believe you'll probably go on those lines "WTF?"

A very small portion of players, probably unoticeable will simply leave the game, which hopefully you'll be abled to cover the monetary income loss from the game, by giving your own money as compesation, to keep the revenue at a certain margin, that's on short/instantly period.

A) that just shows how out of touch with this community you are, to suggest that selfist of all people is rich because of donations!!! lol check out his LG before spewing hateful nonsense about people.
B) even if that was the case there is nothing wrong with donations and nothing wrong with admins providing services for money. this game is a service, the servers cost money, the time admins spend developing and implementing ideas for the game cost money. just because a game is free to play doesn't mean it didn't cost anyone anything. so if you have never donated anything I'd suggest you stop posting in the InS forum as you obviously don't care about this game.
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Let me be crystal clear, this section is not a place where one should discuss about personal issues. If I have to delete one more post between several players not related to the topic I will lock it and bans will follow.

Do you have an issue with a fellow player? PM him/her and work it out in private.

I don't want to close it yet, because I kinda like the idea. I'm not a big fan of WG but the idea is certainly a good one.
for virtual_vitrea:

Personally I do not approve of adding further to a trend where you need to donate or spend gold to get miscellaneous services/features.

100% agree with you, with a point to be stressed : services that can not be achieved in other means. thats definition of a pay to win game ;)

in our case here, for those who want to excell in WG, there is a free path.
I'll describe as detailed as possible to help anyone at any experience level.

1) open top players list
2) scroll down a bit, click the link "Statistics of all characters"
3) set your combat level and select WG as sort criteria
4) check all those doing well in WG, a few combats each
5) add as friend those play WG in your faction.
6) when you have free time, dig tru their combat log, watch and learn ;)

now, hope everyone re-evaluates their remarks about pay-to-win objections.

looks like I should have posted such an easy hint to main thread of WG, sadly never paid attention to that thread in the beginning :d
That's a good hint, however it still doesn't solve the main problem about the ligitimacy from WG question that is going on in forums, which is to accurately find a 100% match challenge.
Nedless to say, the extra and uncessary amount of time, that will be needed to be expend.

Since, we're talking about a information service, based on battle replay value, which already exist and it's free of charge, it doesn't seems to be adequated to add such overhaul.

I'm not saying the idea itself is bad or shouldn't be implemented, I like the idea myself, and some similar categories such the CG trial could could use a battle link guidance of 'how to do it,' as well.
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