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AuthorCrazy Diamond alter
simple allow players to spent diamond on castle building upg which are already build with gold and resource, he will all gold+ resource back into his account once he spent equivalent diamond...:P
^^ i mean he will get all gold+ resource back into his account once he spent equivalent diamond...:P
You will get more than 2500 gold/diamond this way.
this is quite a good idea. the cost of diamonds increases with the level at which the building is build. for example, to dismantle fort, we might need 10 diamonds. we get back the gold and resources, but lose the diamonds and the building.

dont think anyone can abuse this to gain profit
+1 anything which may make players buy more diamond ought to be +1
just a question but.. why? What would be the point?
more than 2500 gold/diamond this way.

will be unfair to everyone who converted diamonds to gold before such an update.
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // Not needed. Provoking.]
The point of updates is that the game changes. So those who did something before will always feel it's unfair. Grow up. who care? admin!!! God bless you,after all buying UCI/change sex/name/ DU...what top guys do with diamond, transfer it with 2500 crap...
She needs grow up, because she made a suggestion? I'm lost...


About the topic.

It's all a matter of price tag. if it's too low the amount of diamonds requeriment, then people could make money easily, if it's too high, probably won't result any impact inteded.

I think a ratio of 110% from diamonds/gold convertion could work.
For instance, if one diamond worth 2500 gold, then for buildings 1 diamond would worth 2750 instead.
So if a castle building would cost 27.500 then it will require 10 diamonds, in order to return this amount of gold to the user.

I think this ratio is somewhat fair, but then it's just a suggestion.

atleast u get back, more than what u have lost :P
+1 anything which may make players buy more diamond ought to be +1

@prajoy - actually this is kinda the only few games left that doesnt give like a huge advantage to real money users.. , I'm sure many will be pissed if admins do everything for diamonds..

-1 , Players can easily use this method to hijack the 2500 coins per diamond rule ;)
+1 anything which may make players buy more diamond ought to be +1
Seriously? Now you make me curious.

If admins were to introduce alternative method of purchase (with diamonds; which would allow more savings than using gold directly) for everything including resources, gear, and services. would you support that?

Something like potion of skill being 3 diamonds only, which is worth 7.5k as compared to paying 12k with gold.
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