Quoting Arctic:
i. First, the damage is calculated based on the general damage formula https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=34.
Then, modifiers apply to it. It could be the Offense talent, a stat on your weapon that says "Increases damage dealt by X%" etc.
Then the effect of the talent applies to that step of damage. It isn't base, but it is the final physical damage that a creature would deal.
If your weapons are enchanted, then each element is calculated commutatively.
Let's say you have a W5 enchant on your sword and use cold blade, the general formula for commutative effect is 100%*(1-(1-a)*(1-b)*(1-c)...)
So for that case the water element damage would be [final physical damage]*(1-(1-0.05)(1-0.10))=CPD*[1-0.95*0.9]=CPD*0.145, or 14.5% of the physical damage.
As you can see, it is always a little less than if the effects were additive, it would've been 15% if we were just to add the two effects.
ii. Any magic resistance matching the element and type will of course reduce the elemental damage. For the case above, with water elemental damage, the following stats will reduce the damage:
- Water shield;
- Magic proof;
- Immunity to water.
But for example, immunity to earth or fire shield will not save from water elemental damage.
Taken from: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1963672&page=0#30633011 |