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AuthorPhoto flashmob?
I feel a bit bored, so since we (LWM) are international community, i really interested in our geographical spread.

So i'm offering to make a couple (may be one, why not) of photos - view from your windows, some interesting places near your home, work, etc. And it would be definitily better, if you tell us your country and city name (no private info:) ) Don't be shy to add more description to your photos:)


Starting with me, this is backyard of my university. Not the best photo, but it's just a beginning of spring, so paints are not bright:D

To show you it's beauty, there are some photos of main campus in my album:

Oh, i forgot, it's Russia, Chelyabinsk, South Ural State University.


Actually, it's pretty big, there is only one campus' backyard on photo. And we have huge forest near, as you see, with a squirrels jumping on us :D

I would be really happy if even one person will be challenged to this "flashmob" :D
This is pretty close to where I live(Toronto, Canada)
https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fc1.staticflickr.com%2F7%2F6029%2F5921066752_3a5c7f25c5_b.jpg&imgre furl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fjrrondeau%2F5921066752&docid=SMYPRRGXPdpqzM&tbnid=tgEN59Yx0Eq8nM%3A &w=683&h=1024&ved=0ahUKEwj2rpGLxYLMAhXDzoMKHfyhASwQMwgzKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8
Sorry apparently the last link doesn't work... here's a better link:
https://www.google.ca/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=699&q=cn+tower&oq=cn+tow er&gs_l=img.3..0l10.29069.30861.0.31326. h&q=cn+tower+at+night
I'll take the challenge. Encouraged me to climb up a hill to grab a photo of my city.

These photos were taken in Wellington, New Zealand. So 15,000 kilometers from Chelyabinsk ;)


You can find the photos there. The first photo is a view over the city from some old WWII gun pits up on a hill.

The second photo is a temporary memorial for soldiers who fought in the wars, to commemorate ANZAC day. It is located in the botanic gardens and I decided to take that picture when I was walking on my way down to the city since it looked interesting.
for Corey:
In the second one, is it one soldier per cross? Haven't seen that sort of memorial before.. it looked kinda strange :p
for virtual_vitrea:
Yes it is one soldier per cross. There are three plots of the crosses, 2 behind where I was standing that are slightly larger than that one but the sun was on that side, so much harder to try and get a picture of them.
for Corey:
Dear Lord, is this heaven? Nature is so beautiful! Really, so green and blue!
for Hoxton:
Haha, fortunate to have had a good run of weather. Usually the sky is cloudy and it is incredibly windy. Wellington is the windiest city in the world on average ;)

As for the green, we are also very fortunate as we have a large town belt that wraps around the city. It is prohibited to construct on most sections of the town belt so there are a large number of walking tracks and green spaces very close to town.
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