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AuthorMake Potion of Oblivion Stackable.
Make it just like the Elixir of Restoration, which is stackable (Multiple potions only take 1 inventory space).

Or, simply remove this item and give a "reset" button instead.
+1 I go through a fair few PoO and would be great to make them stackable.
maybe a fixed potion of oblivion at inventory which do not take up inventory space?

and good idea(it is frustrating and troublesome to buy PoO every single time)
+1 to the reset button. Why not?
Or, simply remove this item and give a "reset" button instead.
Or, simply remove this item and give a "reset" button instead.

I couldn't buy a potion without buying abc.. which just sucks as i was at 105/65.
Or, simply remove this item and give a "reset" button instead.
It would force admins to make some changes in the code, they are too lazy for that, otherwise it would have been implemented by now.
+1, or even better simply click on a "reset" button in the character page, just under the attributes.
Yes to the reset button

I too sometime have a full inventory and can't "buy" the free potion of oblivion when needed
Also btw for those who didn't know, if you ever have negative gold, even though it's free you can't "buy" it, as you don't even have 0 gold, which doesn't make sense however.
P.S. My +1 is more for 'Reset Button' as compared to Stack-able Potions.
+1 for the reset button.
Also a big +1 for the reset button.
Introduce a reset button in the settings or whenever you click PoO, it auto-uses itself and resets parameters.

like the talents and recruiting, we could have a predefined(preset) select button for the parameters

I don't want to keep selecting the parameters which I change rarely.

like for shifting from a mage to a might build, I wouldn't want to take 1 minute of clicking.
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