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Currently I play as charmer elf in pvp battles.
Now, I would like to play as elf only in WG/tg battles.
so, I am bit confused amongst the 3 factions:
BW Wizard, Demon, Dark Elf(waiting for alt).
Either go Demon or level up to FSL 12 with elf. :)

You have good racial resistance against DEs and Wizards. It'd be good to have some decent resist against Demons as well.

If you are choosing a new "main" faction, go with DE since you have second max FSL in it after Elf but I would say it is better to keep elf as main and build resistance against others. If for some type of battles say CG or events, you wish to play as another faction, you can take a PoS and balance the lack of FSL for your faction. :)

Don't switch up your mains, you will make a mess out of your char and (may) regret it later.
If it is a second main (implied) then I think the main choice should be what you think will be most enjoyable to play. This might mean you want something that plays similarly, or indeed you may want a contrast.

I have recently been playing a lot of battlewise Wizard and one advantage is that it is much faster to play with than some others (red demon gating and lots of units (while fast) means the average game length is longer (I have been boosting them with MG)). I would therefore say that BW Wiz is the most similar in play style to your elves on your list (lots of ranged, with a high damage dealing unit that is a bit of a glass cannon)

So if you want similarity go for them. If you want variation, go for Demon.

If you want most impact from faction resistance (more people play with them) then go for DE.

Happy choosing!
getting your fsl 12 first grants a lot more overall benefits than getting 1-2 levels in selected next main.

if you must build now, soo bored from elf, probably DE is better choice while its alt is near ;)
Yeah I'm sure de alt will come in the next decade(hopefully, could be a little later).
for Lord selfist:
He is still going to be elf - (for WG and TG) while doing other battles in the other faction. I have been doing similarly for a bit, and get a lot more fsp from my 3 WG battles a day with a main, than from more battles of HG or MG with a sub main.

Also ince you are switching, I would be inclined to go for one that means you do not need to change stats and set up - ie might to might. IF time is really your enemy, one where you don;t even have to switch the subfaction. If you are doing this multiple times a day it gets a bit tedious, trust me, I know!
What is the best way to earn fsp?
1) Take POS and do campaign and regular WG?
2) mg
3) Hg
4) Clan battle(Does it worth making fsp?)
I mean we do not get any guild points, doing it very frequently wouldn't be just earning exp and fsp?
5)CG(But POS would not be much effective most of times due to mixed CG?)
what else?
best way to earn fsp?

do campaign and regular WG, Double Ambush TG, simple HGs (to level your alt factions) and of course Events.

Clan battle
Does it worth making fsp?

Nope, good only to get armaments which can be obtained anyway if you do Campaigns and WG which have better xp/fsp ratio and give guild points on leveling up :)
do campaign and regular WG, Double Ambush TG, simple HGs (to level your alt factions) and of course Events.

Also assisting others in hunts. It gives good ratio but is just earning exp and fsp in the long run. It does not give significant HG points.
Added this just for the sake of complete info. :)
About clan battles, I found it was good FSP and hence I do them for my dwarf.
Also assisting others in hunts. It gives good ratio but is just earning exp and fsp in the long run. It does not give significant HG points.
Added this just for the sake of complete info. :)

However, If you hunt with less than 10%. You get better HG points in compare to exp gained
But it is very long run on the other hand, and hard to find sharing partner who share his hunts.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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