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Authorabsolutely needed tier 1 upgrades
as mentioned in the topic title, because it is relatively expansive at early lvl to upgrade the tier 1 troops of each faction, I am wondering which factions have tier 1 troops that can generally be ignored and hence does not require upgrade and which factions absolutely requires the upgraded tier 1.

For example, it is pretty obvious that necro definitely need those skeletal bowman instead of just skeletons where as dark elves generally dont use poisoners unless in the case of tamer dark elves and stalkers.

please provide me with additional input for my consideration.
Thanks for all the help in advance~
farmer --> recruit, increases bowmen count.
With alt factions coming out, I guess every upgrade is needed.

You can miss Mountain Sentries as of now though. :)
Dwarves - Ignore upgrade - never seen them used to my recollection
Classic wizard - only occassionally useful though for battlwise they are essential
Elves - often not recruited, but have some very good uss in specific places (often hunts)
Demon - should get for both types
barbarian - hob goblins are much better as are archers - v frequently recruited
Tribals - trappers are almost always recruited - so a must as non upgraded suck
So for knights, does uograded farmers increase recruit count for holy knight as well?
If not it can potentially be ignored first :P
No. Actually that's the trick I use whenever I want to gain some fsp for Knight.
Switch to Holy Knight and Recruit upgrade in no way affects your recruitment count.
But if you want to have knight as a main or submain faction then Recruit upg is necessary in the long run. :)
No but the brutes stun ability comes in handy and theyre pretty tanky id suggest elf as they are the least used on early levels and necros often have a hard time with the overwhelming speed of elves
So just sorta summarize all the comments so far:

Knight: No but useful
Necro: Yes
Wiz: No but useful
Elf: No / situational
Barb: Yes
Dark Elf: No / situational
Demon: Yes
Tribal: Yes
Dwarf: No

Does that sound about right?
Barb: Yes
Tribal: Yes
Those are true for mid-high levels, at lev 5 they are not that useful, so forget about those two.

Btw what are you analyzing for more specifically? Which CL? Also pve or pvp?
mainly combat level 6 and 7 for pve as well as potential thief guild ambushes
mainly combat level 6 and 7 for pve as well as potential thief guild ambushes

For this:

Knight: Useful since classic is better at ambush than holy
Necro: useful
Wiz: Useful if you play as BW
Elf: Useful since sprites have good speed, ini and provide an effective first strike
Barb: Useful
DE: Useful since I think TDE would be better at CL 6-7 with stalkers and summons than DE without shrew upg
Demon: Useful
Tribal: Useful
Dwarf: Not useful

This is from TG perspective. For hunts and mg, you don't need much upg. I do MG as TDE with just Magic Guild 1, Mino, Rouges and Liz. :)
Just select do-able ones and you are good to go :p
Why are you bullying Veterans? They are a bomb in 3-5 lvl and gnomes cannot win Minor Tounament without them.
Why are you bullying Veterans? They are a bomb in 3-5 lvl


mainly combat level 6 and 7 for pve as well as potential thief guild ambushes
All of then are in need ;)
Trappers: Depends on what battles you fight. I think at least until level 14 they are only important for PvP battles (Chain Lightning when you get Earth Shamans).
for Hiltrud: in ST trappers are very usefull in all levels
I'd say ONLY Dwarf Tier 1 is useless, and you might even be forced to buy it when Alt Dwarf comes (Alt Dwarf and Tribal are next).

I honestly think Poisoners are really underrated, Elves and Charmers are not a problem with them.

Actually the MOST useless monster in this game are Zombies.
God, since they made it impossible to lower a Monster's (MG) Defence, they have no use anymore.
Really terrible for a Tier 2, I even asked a Rework for them.
lol zombie pretty much serve as 17 hp wall in front of the bowman
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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