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AuthorNorma wiz central talents
So far. as everyone noticed. Normal wiz have been forced out of the empire in any kind of PVP event and even PVE.

"Unconscious Mind" talents as normal wiz *center talents*

Description and detail

Wizzard are far know as those who have maxed our the brain capacity and they are well known for not just their magic but also for their six sense.
Everytime opponents burst morale (or luck -remove if not good), Wizzard unconcious mind aware of it and their six sense force them to use spells more quicker.

Everytime opponents burst morale- wiz hero move 0.05+ (0.01*fsl) in the ATB scale with the maximal of 0.4 total in one full turn.
The effect does not occur for small units of under total HP less than 200
Wizs are already pain in ass to kill, without much morales there is guaranteed loss from slow factions.
Getting morales give them advantage? no lol

Yeah honestly especially in low levels wiz are op
As a wizard I would love this! xD
+1 from me :P
wiz hero move 0.05+ (0.01*fsl) in the ATB scale with the maximal of 0.4 total in one full turn.
The max of 0.4 total is redundant, you need fsl 35 to reach that xD

But besides, nice idea, as long as you also makes elves get 100% chance of critical damage against wizards and make every wizard creatures a favoured enemy and make critical damage deal 300% damage instead of the regular 200%.
Well your idea is so insane that even making all those elven changes won't grant the elf a considerable advantage xD
for randomr1:
lol thats a bit of an overstatement but i agree this idea is too preposterous.
Yes, good idea.

Why not make Unholy Nekros raise ALL their army back with every Raise Dead spell.
Like a "Mass Raise Dead".
Or make Dwarves be able to use an infinite amounts of Runes per Stack.
Or Tribals begin the battle with 1000 Blood per Stack.

Wizard is strong if enemy arent fast and based on attack and resistances(magic) but they wont do that often no worries. It is meant to be 50/50 to win. Not 100% wins
1) the total means even if 10+ troops stacks burst, total of effect will not exceed 0.4 (and numbers are just example, not to be exactly count)
2) Wiz really need boost, I means normal wiz. It's unfair to treat wiz as outcast
3) to mitigate the effect of boost, reduce wiz troops counts
wiz become playable as normal wiz in PVP or may be even event
Battle finish quick, no sitting and casting battle
Wiz die fast too with reduced troops counts to balance the effect.

and also can introduce additions, wiz won't get boost forward if bursting troops initiative is less than 10+(1%initiative * hero level)
*Slow faction do not effect and they remain unchanged
*fast faction kill wiz fast, wiz kill fast for them too.

FInally, The numbers are just example. if the formula is too high, can reduce effect
Depend on the effect, recruit count change as balance effect.
since when is wizard is not competitively playable in pvp?

and as far as I remember, it is forbiden to create suggestion to buff/nerf certain unit, faction, or spell
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