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Author[New Event][Portal is open]
Heroes, time portal is already open - and is ready to tell us about the new mysteries of the past. The favorable location of the stars in the sky will last a total of 8 days up until 19 August inclusive (two days at the end of the fighting, until August 21, inclusive). During this period, any hero of the 5th Combat level can make a trip into the past and fight with its inhabitants. Necessary to pass through the portal 250 energy crystals get anyone. Traveling into the past and especially the portal impose certain restrictions:
- The battles can only dial those creatures that were found at the enterprises of the Empire and their improvement; (=first find the creature)
- Selected skills do not work; (=no talents)
- Skills and abilities of factions are not working; (=no fs level)
- Travel is only possible artifacts from the store; (=only store arts)
- Improvements to the artifacts do not work; (=no enchantment)
- When dialing beings from different factions have lowered the morale of troops; (=-1 moral for multiple faction, -2 if contains undead)
- Construction of 'Hall of Unity' allows you to dial There are different factions without reducing morale.

Attention! Fighting in the past will take place in the 1x1 format. In addition, in the past you can not take your army and use it learned spells. You must use the power crystals to recruit troops, who will accompany you on a hike. You can type units as a single fraction or multiple. You can take as the improvement of existing and traditional at the same time. Also, you can access all spell schools, and at the maximum level.

Abu Bakr guarantee the return of all the heroes of the past, but places a limit of 12 trips per day (attempts are accumulated). It is known that the characters wins before last defenders, besides getting a good amount of skill, returned with additional crystals, for which you can also donabrat groups or improve the time portal.

[Important] The court magician focuses his attention on the main priority the combat mission. The main goal - to get the greatest number of crystals. In this regard it should take into account the following features of the portal magic:
The amount received by the time of the crystals depends on the level of complexity of combat. Initially available five levels of difficulty: from 1 to 5 - you can start with any. When passing the 5th level, the hero will be available for 10 levels of difficulty - from 1 to 10. With the passage of the 10th level, the hero will be available on levels 5 to 15, etc. Throughout the campaign, you can only win 5 wins at the same level.
Time to increase our Resistances without effort))))))))
Time to increase our Resistances without effort

searching for creature, capturing, fighting the portal heroes.... well actually lot of efforts :(
searching for creature, capturing, fighting the portal heroes.... well actually lot of efforts :(

yep, must say this is a LOT more time consuming
not sure is it worth an effort :(

best thing about portal was that you could easy experiment with different builds

now you have to carefully plan ahead, loose time searching for creatures, hunt them, several times, just to play few portal battles and then find out your plan is not working well
oh well... back to the old drawing board

or not, man this thing takes time

looks like admins want people to play all low level portal combats, or what?
the FSP from portal has been increased in the 2nd day,

from 1.38 (CL 13, dark bonus) to 2.69 fsp
searching for creature, capturing, fighting the portal heroes.... well actually lot of efforts :(
Ok, true that Tbh.
boring event, except to look for creatures was profitable.
closed by Arcanide (2016-08-21 16:27:34)
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