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AuthorTravel animation
It would be nice to see the faction riding on of their steeds(not the one they have bought) to their particular destination. For example, a knight can be shown riding the gryffin, a necromancer flying on a shadow dragon or a skeletal horse etc. The animation is played on the side while a sentence counts down the time it'll take to reach the destination
Woow, have never thought of this.
Kind of like HoMM V would be nice, but in "2D" I guess.

Totally +1 dude, would be cool to see, instead of the Red Dot moving we currently have.
for Pilu612:
I wonder how a level 3 knight will do it. Is he going to ride on the swordman? :p

Hehe, its a good idea but conceptually I would prefer it were something other than your army.
for virtual_vitrea:

well, it's not like the knight does not have the gryffin at all. he does have them just that he can't take them to battle because he does not have enough experience to handle them on the battlefield :P
I wonder how a level 3 knight will do it. Is he going to ride on the swordman? :p

Just wait until a DE gets to lvl 6 and can be seen riding a Shrew...
maybe lower level will just be marching with their troops

e.g. poor lvl 2 necro walking with slow skeletons and zombies LOL
e.g. poor lvl 2 necro walking with slow skeletons and zombies LOL

Yup i already considered that and this was the reason i called it illogical due to LHTSD (lower and higher tier speed disparity, yes i made that up :p).
well then maybe they can throw in that you travel with all the troops available to you
so for example, lvl 4 knight will have to march along with their bowman, farmers, and swordsman, while a lvl 5 knight gets to chill on griffen but still need to travel with those poor farmers, bowman, and swordsman.
So they travel just as fast but the lord gets to take a break on their rides LOL
And you get to see more unit marching as you increase in level :P
lvl 4 knight will have to march along with their bowman, farmers, and swordsman,
Then we might aswell suggest "Ambush Animation", where we get to see the Knight organizing his troops at both sides of the road in a Canyon/Cave/Swamp, then a Caravan passes and they all jump on him.
i think that's actually a pretty cool idea, definitely makes the time waiting for ambush much more pleasing
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