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AuthorChanging factions and talents
Here is what happened :

1. I am an elf
2. I go to tavern and grab my drink for +1 luck
3. I switch faction to Knight
4. I switch class to Holy Knight
5. I go recruit my troops
6. I notice I don't have the parameters I have selected, even though the talents I use as Holy Knight are correct, so I select my Talent set "Rally Erudition" to re-apply the change.
7. Recruit my troops again
8. The luck drink doesn't give me 2 AP now.

Hope you can reproduce this, good luck fixing !
Correction, the AP is not bugged, that part is my bad.
But, I thought the talent sets were fixed to remain the same when switching between factions.
Yes, it is a bug. You have to choose your build in talents list again after changing faction or class even though the talents set is correct.
over my levels I had increased my know ledge and spell power alone I should have 50 mana 1 spell power and a +1 spell power from erudition, but I was switching a bar labeled pvp warrior earlier and my stats were changed, even though I replaced everything my stats have yet to return to normal I now only have 10 mana and 10 attack pls help.
for dynoco:

The preset talent sets also automatically change your stat points. But you can change your stats at any time by using a potion if oblivion. You can find it in the potions section if the artifact shop (it's free).
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // ]
thank you for the help I was worried that I would be in a bad position because of the mana problem
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