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AuthorPortal with a twist
How about a portal where you can only recruit neutral creatures, no creatures that belong to a faction? Would be fun
there are very few actual neutrals though, no?
There is plenty, I can tell you a lot of em now. Stoneeaters (with upgrades), Renegades(scout, thug, magician), mercenary(Warrior, bowman, magician), Sirens, Leviathans, dungeon creatures(they count as neultral), horned reapers, death golems, efreeti, gogs. Thats plenty
Something I suggested sometime ago, very similar to what you mention:
Or one called "Rage of the Forest" where you control 100% Random Critters (Like Vampiric Lizards, Lust Sirens, or Sepulchure Golems) and face normal Hero Armies. Like Portal of Time but with 100% Neutral Monsters we cant play normally.
So +1 to this, would be interesting.
Actually, i would say i'll recruit a team of neutrals, and send them to expenditure ..For a certain amount of gold, you may get FSP+skill point, or even rares with minimum % of chance ..
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