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AuthorNature Magic
do you not have the ability to use lvl 3 Nature spells "phantom" and "raise dead" as a lvl 7 elf ???

is that not until you construct the guild in your castle at Lvl 10??

please help,
yes i believe so and then when u contruct the guild, you have to get the talent too, basic nature magicx.
You can raise dead at level 8, typically, because it's a level 2 nature spell. You can summon phantoms at level 10. There are exceptions to the raise dead spell though, for example necromancers and unholy necromancers, or if you activate an orb that summons demiliches to your aid.

But what I think you're talking about is the talent. They are there to increase the efficiency of your spells that are already there until you reach level 10. Once you have built the magic school in your castle, you still can't summon phantoms until you have level 1 of the nature school talent, for example. Another example: a level 11 wizard like myself, with magic guilds 1-3 built, cannot cast fireball until I have at least level 1 of chaos magic talent.
That's REALLY DuM...

Thanks xvx
oh no....

not what you just said *3*

oh okay I get it...at least I can raise sum dead at least im about to turn 8 years old so its getting REALLY interesting...unicorns and fairies

thanks for the info, I get what you mean you have to crawl before walking, you have to put the accelerator blasters in first before you can blast into acceleration...you have to put the pie in the "pudding." You have to bake the zucchini before you calibrate the thruster launchers, you have to maxi pad the ..... ?

I'm done.
Marquise will I be able to raise the dead at lvl 8 elf without the basic natures?

...since its for lvl 3 spells right?
Marquise will I be able to raise the dead at lvl 8 elf without the basic natures?
Yes, it is only required for lev 3 magic.
Wouldn't recommend raise dead as an elf though

Why? the penalty to morale?
u would recommend phantom yes...which is why its at 10.

A long way off for me right now...
Penalty to morale, and you'll barely raise anything.
As an elf main I too suggest not using raise dead, morale penalty is a killer. However, the way you can utilize nature magic is wasp swarm. Grab advanced or expert nature and 2 knowledge points, then you will be able to cast wasps 4 times. You do not need spell power because spell power increases only damage, not the effect.
With advanced you will have a 0.4 knockback and with expert you will have 0.6, even with 0 SP. Basicly this strategy gives you super stunning blow for 4 turns, allowing you to knock back enemy units that are dangerously close. Beware tho, wasps only work on living creatures so its useless vs a necro.
As for the phantoms, lvl 10 only.
for Dedrago:
Morale penalty, HP penalty... In GB an hero could kill a dozen of your raised bowmen per hit. Only good for necro or really desperate situations.
Those darn necro men...they really grind my gears...

Okay thanks guys for the help, Sir Meshy, @Slust and all as I can see quite literally my grand master plan of swirling cloak and dead archery target practice is indeed hilariously foolish...my wind just escaped my chest cavity with disappointment.

@Aurelija...yes...I understand you...So wasp knocks back the ATB scale0.0(whatever you call it) scale ...and it STUNS? hmmm, sounds interesting enough for sure...

Btw I "do" already have 3 knowledge points and with turning lvl 8 (Everyone pats back congratulatory style) thumbs up I "accidentally on purpose" { added a spell "1" point of power. .....lets see how that goes

Hey Aurelija how many 0.'s does it take to knock a creature "fully" back a turn do you know? Or am I being to mathematical because I hate math...at least I think.
Btw I "do" already have 3 knowledge points and with turning lvl 8 (Everyone pats back congratulatory style) thumbs up I "accidentally on purpose" { added a spell "1" point of power. .....lets see how that goes

Hey Aurelija how many 0.'s does it take to knock a creature "fully" back a turn do you know? Or am I being to mathematical because I hate math...at least I think.

It works like this. The atb scale 1 point is a turn distance between 10 iniative creature, for example heroes. That is called a full turn. Ok so lets say your hero had a turn, then other 9 creatures with 10 iniative have their turns, we will call em by numbers 1 to 9, first goes 1 creature, then 2 and so on, untill after 9th creatures turn its your heroes turn again. Now say, when its your heroes turn, and you chose to cast wasps at expert lvl to the 1st creature. That would knock his turn back by 0.6, causing his turn to be after the 6th creatures, not after your heroes. Hope that makes sense. It can be pretty far when there are a lot of creatures in the battle, its useful early, not as much late.

Now about the points problem you have. Go to the shop, potions, and there you will find a free potion called Potion of Oblivion. Buy it, use it, and all the stats you can put on will be reset and allowed to be applied again on anything you want. It works for lvl up points, mg points, wg points and so on. That way you can remove that unnecesary spell power point. You are welcome :)

To answer your question, to knock back a turn it would take to knock back by 1. To knock back by the creatures turn, it depends on its iniative. If its 10 then 1 turn, if its 20 then it woud take 0.5, for 15 iniative it would be 0.75, for lets say 8 it would take more than 1 but that isnt needed.
I got "EVERYTHING" you said. Thank you Aurelija ;) you should friend me, or I should friend myself btw...(sigh) it's good to have a good mentor. What grammar mistake did I just make? I fEel like SUmthing just doesn't fit QuIte RiGht. )

Aw comon that spell power is righteous! u CANT tell me it's useless...I am afraid it will be but(according to my evil LWM domination plan muhaha) I must be doggedly dogmatic, diplomatically delegating delicately...due destiny.

OR, in other words I must keep that knicker bocker and continue my magic journey against your better judgment...strict attack is overrated isn't it anyway?

And what the hell does GB mean?? I know Im stupid for asking but I just cannot hack it for some odd reason

@Aurelija oh I knew of that catastrophic remedy of a potion quite well already..sly grin...that;} that's why it was "accidentally on purpose" ha

I Didn't MEAN it@! okay...maybe I didn't BUT...maybe I did not NOT do it on accident...maybe it just WASNT on purpose...but I accidentally did it "anyway" gahahahahahhah ;
Hey, since im lvl 8 now ive done a hunt or 2...I don't see "raise dead" in my spell book...

So what is going on? I am not looking in the right place...or do I supposedly actually have to get that basic nature perk first?

I really don't see it I am not feigning this at all...I am only trying to be a blesseth humble creature with minimum shop artifacts and just a raise the dam dead spell on my elf just for once!
Have you constructed the magic guild lvl 2?
What the hell? Great slavering Cerberus fangs! Oh NEIL ARMSTRONG what have we DONE??? THis ISnt the MOOON!?!?!! THIS IS CHEESE!!!

Why in the name of the Great Lower Eygpt Pharaohs and the titillating, scantily clad, buxom bosomed Nefertiti does it give false advertising?? Well??? wait, im not blaming you @Arjlja...or the authorities, John Cena...Beverly Hills, mainly because it is a subjective concept with an objective location...which is still subjective anyway ....this is, wait... giving a small ITTY BITTY disclaimer (that I can't find)that "with" Magic Guild 2 you can activate "evelate soulless emulators" and become a part-time Bee KEEPER!@@...full grown agitated and suffocating wasps stuffed "solidly" in your Maskrobe Cloak! What fun!

But ALL I can see is:

Chaos Magic Guild 2 - Lighting, Ice Clod (For an absurdly chic amount of I am not about to spend that money on that at all right now so sorry)

And then you said "Did you construct Magic Guild lvl 2?

And then I got embarrassed and to compensate, which I usually do by "overcompensating", said "wtf orange naked dancing orangutans and incognito w/the dark sunglasses, mysterious beverage sipping"...

Just...shoot me with a glancing nonchalant stare that icily grows brutishly Neanderthal and then transmogrifies into a well-formed elven face from Lemuria or Mu...and then into a werewolf that looks like it's hungry for dinner...in which I will hastily direct you towards the greatest "little" diner the city has to offer. ON ME....foREAL

ICe clod?? yes but...right now...rather raise the ghoulies for dinner. Yea the zombie jokes are a little...dead? aHa!{laughs very silently to himself and his own very sad sad santa-less elf self only} ALL BY MYSEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFF....ELF.
There is no such thing as Chaos magic school. There is just Magic school lvl 2. For an elf, that building will unlock you these spells:
For classic elf: Wasp swarm, Raise dead, Stoneskin, Dispersion.
For charmer elf: Lightning, Ice cold.
See classic is nature and holy user while charmer is chaos user.
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