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Author[News][AUTO battles are on!]
Until January 30 (inclusive) the option of 4 vs 4 AUTO battles is on :)

Official translation from the pirate event rewards:

" In honor of the victory over the Pirates in the Empire starts automatically fast group fights 4x4 until January 30 inclusive! "
Bumping for a social cause :P
So they didn't made enough with donations, mhmm....
I mean, auto 4v4 is an attempt to extent the player's expenses, thus incentive donations.
Dunno... If they don't do an event then a war breaks out and they make a load of donations like that.

Maybe they know 4 vs 4 is popular for players and they want to do something nice?
auto 4v4 is an attempt to extent the player's expenses, thus incentive donations
Maybe, maybe not.
People who are looking for quick fsp and lvl up may like it, ppl who think long-term such as fsp/exp ratio and all may not even look at it tbh.
Donation or no donation all depends on players, what they want to do and all
Most players do not buy diamonds to just exchange it for gold, but build DU
But then again, it all goes down to the needs of every individual. but i dont think its so more ppl will donate.
The event reward was the worst one could've imagined, no one said anything about that, 4v4 start and ppl are like admins are greedy, more donations etc etc. :/
Maybe they know 4 vs 4 is popular for players and they want to do something nice?

I would think that way if it didn't came after an event.

Donation or no donation all depends on players, what they want to do and all
Most players do not buy diamonds to just exchange it for gold, but build DU

Well, I think any sort of PvP content will incentive DU.
There are some players which does convert diamonds for gold, I could classifiy them in 3 categories.
1 - roullete players with negative winning balance.
2 - Those who refuse to level up their LG.
3 - Whom wants expensive stuff like enchanted items, rare, estate, TGI, between other luxuries asap.

This event would be for category 2 of diamond to gold converters type of donaters.
Also it could incentive DU.

Anyways, they might want more donation, but who cares?
Anyways, they might want more donation, but who cares?
Exactly what I was going to say.
Anyways, they might want more donation...?

Who wouldn't?
Who wouldn't?

Not what I meant, but that's a fair point.
closed by PLaY LikE a PRO (2017-01-31 21:01:17)
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