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AuthorFaction resistance
Hi, I'm thinking of building resistance to the other factions, since my main faction is DE, which faction resistance is better to be built and around how much does it cost? Thanks in advance.
elf dwarf barb wizard.
at CL 12 is around 250-300k per castle if you only take the minimum building to become competitive enough.
Minimum building excluding the magic guild? I only play might build

Might help
which faction other than Barb is better with might build? I'm short of money, can't afford the combat school of Barb
Pick the faction that you have trouble fighting against.
Is it Necromancers for DE ?
All castles cost more or less the same to build, so better pick one that you'd enjoy.
Keep in mind: You don't need full castle to play most of PvE with your side faction. So if you build a castle, don't build everything at once, but check out if you can play with your already built castle (the talent "Rally" might be needed in some cases).
for Menetekel:
for Lord Hallion91:
That's helpful ;D
Thanks a lot

No link for an english page ??
closed by Cric3z52557 (2017-04-01 06:24:45)
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