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AuthorToo low fsp gain?
In survilug battle https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=839703417 I had Abu Bakir charm and manuscript of history, yet only 1.88 fsp after win 1vs3 heroes. I understand that they were all AI? And perhaps to prevent pumping of characters so low fsp gain, but still think it is way broken ratio. Because if from 1,88 remove Abu - Faction skill in all combats +10%; and manuscript 10% base fsp goes below 1.6 for entire fight 1 vs 3 full opponents. Any thoughts perhaps? It could certainly be valued more. Plain ambush is worthy more. I accept that this could sound a bit how I dare ask for more, but it was surprising to me. Also month ago did same https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=834793273 exactly same 1.88. As I vaguely remember way back was much higher? Or?
I am not sure if it is too low in terms of I think it has been like that for some time. I certainly have watched the odd 1vs3 survilurg win and seen such pathetic amounts of FSP for such a momentous victory and thought to myself, not exactly much of an incentive to put on extra enchants to defend.

So I do not think it is inherently broken, though I do think it is something that they should change. At least make it similar to if you were in a 3vs3 battle.
Anomalies sometimes happens. Loosing qt gives more exp than victory
sometimes thieves guild gives mysterious amount of exp/fsp
A one vs three Survilurg defense has always had a poor fsp return. It may have changed but it was always significantly worse than the reward for a 3vs3 defense.

I have always assumed that this was the admins way to force clans to use 3 defenders.
Anomalies sometimes happens. Loosing qt gives more exp than victory

Because you are highly pumped character compare to him who seem normal character

sometimes thieves guild gives mysterious amount of exp/fsp

Normal sequence for winning ambush against lord who is traveling with few troops
To Gara
My opponent of QT was more pumped than I. I have about 25k fsp while opponent 26k. Exp similar aswell. And that happened only once. All other QT battles before and after gives normal exp/fsp amount.

For thieving still even if traveler has less army its strange to give him more fsp/exp for loosing
closed by avelox (2017-05-23 00:36:16)
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