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Author | Pirate raids |
This is the rather meaningless google translation. And why is it in the card game?
Ahoy, there is. I was whispered to the bird that you were in a fight to search for what. Do not want to give the left rudder and under the Jolly Roger drive the trough of money-bags? There is here one smart boat, at anchor stands nearby. The guys there are sensible, but the cap went into hiding and went for a walk. Since then, they have settled here - they are already hungry for the raids. Of course, a little gold will have to puff for warming up. At all about all 500 piastres, well, or these of your local ... Are you daring? | From .ru
Since the last defeat of the pirate fleet off the coast of the Eastern Island, the coastal waters of the Empire have become noticeably safer. Black sails on the horizon became a rarity, and if one of the pirates and dared to hunt for trading and fishing vessels - quickly received a rebuff. Even the most cautious traders appreciably emboldened and began to transport more expensive goods in very considerable volumes. It seemed that the maritime economic life of the Empire was awaiting a rapid upswing. But the threat was still alive - and decided to show up where no one expected her at all. Either from a feeling of complete despair, or from unlimited arrogance, the pirates suddenly decided to resort to the help of those who have only recently desperately let their ships to the bottom. And it was difficult for them to find a more suitable place than the abode of excitement and merriment for the realization of their insidious schemes.
Attention, Heroes! Rumor has it that pirate recruiters were seen in the taverns of the Empire, attracting travelers to their ranks with beautiful tales of easy gain and fast ships with experienced crews.
Excerpts from the pirate code:
1) According to the pirate code of honor, raids on sea trade caravans are carried out in a 1-by-1 format;
2) The raids take place only with the crew that fit into your ship. The rest of the crew will be able to wait for you in the inn or tavern;
3) Through the telescope, consider your victim well, if his defenders are not up to your crew, then it is better to look for the victim easier. But the simpler the victims, the less silver they carry;
4) Considering the risks of craft, in combat it is necessary to enter standard equipment from stores; modifiers do not work;
5) Remember that the peculiarities of your factions no longer function, you are now a pirate! But skills, abilities and spells work in full;
6)In a day you can carry out no more than 12 raids , do not drive the team, tea is not horses - they will die quickly. However, unused attempts are postponed, for a rested crew is capable of much;
7) The duration of the raid should not exceed 7 days (until September 13 inclusive), excluding special cases - a maximum of 2 days for everything about everything ( you can survive the remaining attempts until September 15 inclusive );
8) After a successful raid with yourself it is worth taking everything that glitters, rings, thunders and gurgles: silver, artifacts of creatures, mercenary elements, diamonds, as well as artifacts with reduced strength;
9) Do not forget about the mercenary market, where you can hire an additional crew for silver. The prices of different crews depend on the demand for them and change every hour;
10) You can hire mercenaries in reserve, but not more than twice as many as you can get on board. Sometimes it is worth using;
11) If you have quite a lot of silver, then you can buy a new more powerful ship or cannons for it;
12) The more powerful your ship, the more crew you can take on board and the more guns can be installed;
13) The parameters of the guns depend on their improvements and the level of the Hero, but do not depend on the Hero's parameters;
14) If your crew was killed in battle, then 5% of the team perishes forever on victory and 3% on defeat;
15)At the end of all successful raids, the pirate Rizheborod will reward you with artifacts from your own collection, and for looted silver will give you pure gold!
16) To maintain morale, the pirate Rizheborod gives out a boot of premium rum for 15, 30 and 50 victories | Ok I played one; we are the pirates; the talents do work. Choose an enemy and jump into battle. | Ok I played one; we are the pirates; the talents do work. Choose an enemy and jump into battle.
Link or it didn't happen :) | | Who has the best talent tree I guess? :D | My first fight
When you get silver, you cannot increase the numbers of your current army it would seem only add more. I am not sure but am tentative as to whether if I add some more (but less than the max) whether I will be able to top up later. Ie whether to do another battle with no extra army so can get a full stack next time, or get them now. | For clarity, what I mean is add another troop type to your army, but nt increase your current ones. | Finally something new,but no translation yet | Why I can't take more then 3 type of stacks? Ship in not big enught yet? | 3x180 tons. every stack cant weight more than 180. | Oh and yes, with next ship you can take 4 stacks. | 3x180 tons. every stack cant weight more than 180.
Thanks. I have some bug on event side - everything is in Russian :) | oh I see, so I have more than enough of my two stacks available, but they weigh too much for my ship. I guess I will wait till I can get a nice cheap recruit then | Knights fervor works, good talent to take. | is it a good event to work with my other factions and build resistance or , better to go with the main upgraded one. | Other factions for sure | 6)In a day you can carry out no more than 12 raids ,
I have already done 14... | Its 15 per day limit. Error is news. | Cheat!! ;) |
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