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AuthorSmall Tournement Plus
Heroes, the gates of the tournament arena are reopened for all those who wish to participate in the new 39th Small tournament plus.
Achievement will be able to get any hero who has won the necessary number of victories for as many attempts as possible .
The tournament arena already today will challenge each of you who reached the 3rd combat level and is ready to accept it in a series of 1x1 fights with equal rivals.
The sea of ​​intrigue and unforgettable impressions, good points of the guild of tactics and skills of the faction - all this and not only awaits you in the framework of the upcoming match.
A brave and worthy will have the right to share the main prize pool and will be awarded special tournament achievements:

- 15 Wins and a percentage of winning bouts from 90%
- 15 Wins and a percentage of winning bouts from 80%
- 15 Wins

Attention! This is a new format of the tournament, in which there is no limit to the number of defeats, and every hero can achieve the achievement!

Moreover, for each victory in the tournament battle the hero will be awarded one of the artifacts of the creatures .
And for 5, 8 and 12 wins will be awarded a special elixir :

For 5 wins
For 8 wins
For 12 wins

The effect of elixirs does not apply to battles in PvP tournaments, guild tactics, survival tournaments and text quests. Elixirs must be used before January 15, 2018.

We draw your attention - there are no entrance fees in this tournament!

Success in the tournament!
Can anyone provide me with some advice or strategies to do well in the tournament? I have Temptresses diamond upgrade, which gives me a boost, but I am not sure I will have much luck with darkness demon against those with fast shooters or heavy magic.
Max defence, a few points in knowledge and spell power - mass delay is the most important talent for you
Noted, but I feel as though my attacks do very little damage.
Noted, but I feel as though my attacks do very little damage.

That's where your tempts come in, take enemy troop and do some real damage, then clean up with your troops.

For duel, probably good to take leapers too.
Vermins or Blazing Hounds? Hounds are high target but can do some decent damage. Vermins can be helpful with mana steal, though I feel like they are better suited for long games. Would you recommend Hounds?
Vermins for sure, it's the quick games they really come into their own. Quickly siphon enemy mana (less chance for DoF or remove mana for TDE summons)
Pls tell me a strategy too
@Techy, you wanna go max temps then fieds after and a few vermins, slow opponent down make him kill himself, and then when he is slowed and cursed, jump them with fiends

go like 4/4 sp/kn and the rest in defence and you want darkness talents
Any tip for an elf? Charmer or regular?
You have 4 of victories out of 7 battles. Victorious battles percentage: 57%

Pretty bad :D
#10 go for charmer , at least as Might DE Regular is easy cant kill charmer
Would anyone recommend red demon for this?
#13 i saw how ipsen got wrecked by red demon so i think he is okey
https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=869883188 u can have a look on arts and army
for grif:
Anything above 50% is good, ultimately someone has to win and someone has to lose - For every person above the 50% there is someone below it
@techy, yea red demon is ok, but in my view with DU DD is 100% better
@ griff i prefere normal DE myself, but i might be very incorrect on this one, but for me tamer feels too slow (hardly played tde and never in pvp) ;)
for techy:

In the last tourney at level 11 there were 3 red demons who won gold medals - so yes this seems a good choice (there was also one DD)


Check out their logs for ideas, though partly they will win due to strong character builds for their level

Mathijs i will try tarmer now , cuz when i get charmed elf its a lost straight away
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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