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AuthorSpecial Christmas Offer
yes,they obviously want profit,but what i dont like is how straight they are about the profit,they dont translate stuff,they once again leave .com to do everything for themselves,till there is a diamond discount,they have to make both announcment in forum and ingame about it. its shitty marketing as you can see who they put on priority. this is a game first and business after that,by doing this they show that they care about money more than the gameplay itself,which can slowly make this just another dead game becaue of owner greed
There are few words to translate in donating announcement and it is very similar every few months, then it is easy for russian admins to give us announcement like this on time... They don't have to deal with the translation too much
the last 2 events happened for the first time?no! nor the pirate event nor dungeons happens for the first time. they could copy paste it on the russian side from the last events but they cant here? why? i mentioned above
Please stay to the topic please guys.
no dwarf alt lol,no point playing a 10 year old game with false promises
no dwarf alt lol,no point playing a 10 year old game with false promises


The only reason I play is because I'm concerned for the money and time I've put in the game.
It's not just profit, but also cost. Notice one of the amazing things about this game is that there is and never has been advertising. So they don't make any extra revenue from external sources. And around holidays, more people play, so the server costs probably spike. Plus, they are paying their employees, to draw art and write code and whatever else they have -- possibly even a lawyer on retainer who handles whatever legal issues they ever have, even if those issues are purely administrative.
You can't say they are into money only.

They are Russians, and ..ru community is getting proper announcements always. So I see nothing wrong here. They deserve to earn money by donations.
ru community is getting proper announcements,we dont,that is basically what i said,we didnt get 2 event announcements,its not even about translation or stuff,they were too lazy because .com isnt important enough,they could copy paste the text from last events on russian side,yet not here. also you cant say they spend alot of money on this game,they rarely do anything new,its basically just server costs,some several office workers and a lawyer,which isnt really that much,knowing they base in Russia,say what you want but costs there are lower than europe/us
i think no advertisement is also a sign of being cheap,at peak hours there were 10k players just a year ago,tho the slow death of .com side,which is left on its own and lack of new stuff makes it 6k at peak hours,making them push more money.
no offence,i still like the game,have played it for almost 10 years,but this is not fair,empire could hire an enthusiastic .com player to do announcements,and important stuff on here,even for free,paying with gold,yet they dont.
Player banned by moderator Meshy until 2017-12-23 18:00:57 // User requested
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // FR 4.1 // Off-topic - messages not related to the discussion matter]
Also, I suppose they don't want the game to be world widely known, as it could bring into fight the legal issues of the game again, but I suppose that's too deep of an issue that indeed shouldn't be mentioned here.
I've been thinking whether to post this or not for like 20 mins, since I'm feeling I'm getting looked at in Forum too much, but I don't think I'm spreading Drama nor talking nonsense (And I'm not discovering anything new, either).

lmao, best part of your post :D
Okay, I get the point.
I have donated before, but never during these periods as I am not interested in playing might factions just now, however if they were to give an option of for example sword of cold or staff of cold that would probably convince me, so the question is, why don't they? I know that the admins aren't fans of magic builds, but is that enough to lose out on money?
Merlin yes, I asked the same months ago, as I was curious as to why ALL the seasonal items were Might/Offense related. Not even season Staff/Rings/Robe.
And I don't think you can really consider RoC as a Magic item because of the Magic Pen.

It is known they don't encourage Magic builds, even though it could be fun, and many would appreciate.
They changed the Hero Ini of CL 17 Magic stuff, but I suppose that's not what we want.

The meta has shifted to Defence builds (DE/TDE, Tribal, DD/Red Demon, SB...), so I'm surprised they don't tweak Magic to stop the "Defence Meta".
Anyway also .com players are donating and we require some service from their site... It´s too much to make some translation, they are just selfish russian and we are just garbage for them
Don't be so strict to Admins. At least half of announcements are translated in first day of special occasion. You all know which half :)
yes they are too kind, can´t be better
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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