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AuthorThieves Guild
So recently i started with thieves guild and finding it difficult to have a good win rate, also getting to CL 10, the caravans are even worse with the new AP and stats, like in this one
compared to CL 9 stats here

My question is-
1.Whether i should go with better AP(having to pay alot of CPB)
2.Do TG with secondary faction(tribal) in Min AP and earn less fsp for my main faction
3.better build/setup for Wizard/BW
1.Whether i should go with better AP(having to pay alot of CPB)

More AP=more FSP
also more FSP when you lose, which means that the next difficulty will drop more.
Personally, i would say AP doesnt really matter.
If you increase your AP, you will win the first few battles easily(maybe 10++ after you adjusted your AP) and then balancing will start to work and you get back the normal win:lose ratio.
2.Do TG with secondary faction(tribal) in Min AP and earn less fsp for my main faction
It is very hard to play with 2ndary faction in TG, especially on a FSP dependant faction. The result is the same, you lose and lose and lose until it is easy enough to win AND lose. 3.better build/setup for Wizard/BW

Go might all the way is my advice and try magi instead of golems. golems are slow(low ini and low speed)
If you increase your AP, you will win the first few battles easily(maybe 10++ after you adjusted your AP) and then balancing will start to work and you get back the normal win:lose ratio.
Oh i get it now, i used to play with good enough AP in the first TG level, maybe that is why the difficulty is much harder now

Go might all the way is my advice and try magi instead of golems. golems are slow(low ini and low speed)
Yeah I do that,in the battle i published i had golems because i forgot changing recruiting after my CG
Thanks mate :)
Thieves guild difficulty is made up of combat level * TG level * variable (variable goes up with each win and down with a loss)

Since your CL went up, difficulty went up

Note : this is not exact formula, there is probably a coefficient infront of the numbers.
It is very hard to play with 2ndary faction in TG, especially on a FSP dependant faction.
I mean, i am actually doing well with tribal(my secondary), my question here is whether i should only continue to play with my main faction till i get to a certain FSP level say 8or9 and then focus on increasing FSP for other factions?
Which casltes have you built? In general, wizard and tribal aren't great for TG
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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