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Rework how parts of imperial amulet work


AuthorRework how parts of imperial amulet work
So, I have quite liked how they have tied some events together by giving you the opportunity of getting a particularly good artifact should you do sufficiently well in each of these events.

However, I think the mechanism they have chosen to use leads to the potential disappointment from some, which with a little rejig of how it works could not.
With 2 events done and 3 to go, some people have no extra incentive on the last event as they already have the amulet, others it is statistically impossible to get.

I think the parts of the amulet you get should give a sliding scale on the durability of the final thing, such that 100 gives the 80 durability it currently has, though for lets say each part less than this it drops the durability by 2, and each 4 over this it increases it by 1. Obviously the specifics of these numbers could vary, or have limits.

This way even if you miss the event you can still get it, though much reduced in durability (or only a touch for a near miss). While those that do particularly well in the first event have an extra incentive to push it for the last to get a bonus to its durability.

Clearly I recognise that this would not be practical for this event amulet as some have cashed in their parts already, however would like it for any future similar event should they decide to do the collect parts of an artifact again
yeah. this event was pretty cool but there are so many weird things with it that is isnt very fun
With 2 events done and 3 to go, some people have no extra incentive on the last event as they already have the amulet

Where did you see 3 to go? I don't remember reading this part.

And perhaps the incentive might be a 2nd amulet for some people?

I think the parts of the amulet you get should give a sliding scale on the durability of the final thing, such that 100 gives the 80 durability it currently has, though for lets say each part less than this it drops the durability by 2, and each 4 over this it increases it by 1. Obviously the specifics of these numbers could vary, or have limits.

I do like this idea though, good solution to those who can't / won't get an amulet.
Whoops, yes said the wrong thing, only one to go, 3 in total
I like this idea. I'm currently at 49 parts, so might not be able to get it completely, depending on when the next event is and how hard it is. Another solution could be that people who have more parts than they need could sell their extra parts to those who (barely) missed it. This way everyone who at least played one of the events could get the amulet, although those who have to buy a lot of parts will probably have to spend a lot of gold.
i got 48 parts ..
idea is really good , at least i think so !
+1. Sounds like an excellent idea!
how do you post the parts on the market? I don't get an option to on the page
Great idea.
for GodArjun:
How many do you have?
You must have 20 parts so sell them as a 1 part. You may have less than 20, that is why you dont see an option to sell.
Will the events repeat (For the same arts)? Otherwise these <100 parts have no reasonable use.
Currently they do 3 events for every art, one left for helmet
Will the events repeat (For the same arts)? Otherwise these <100 parts have no reasonable use.
You can always buy from market. Its a rare art, hence a luxury.

I like this idea. I'm currently at 49 parts, so might not be able to get it completely, depending on when the next event is and how hard it is. Another solution could be that people who have more parts than they need could sell their extra parts to those who (barely) missed it. This way everyone who at least played one of the events could get the amulet, although those who have to buy a lot of parts will probably have to spend a lot of gold.

This has already been implemented though :)
Surely would have been better just to give imperial parts, and on gathering 100, can choose the artifact, there are now several people including myself for where the imperial set is now impossible to complete, so no extra incentive to play future events. Whereas if just imperial parts were given, then I would know if I tried really hard for the next few events I could not only get the next art, but enough parts to build the previous aswell
yup. This has become a time intensive thing so i don't even care to participate for the sake of specific parts anymore.

You have to do hardwork to get all 100 parts , if you get amulet for your parts , then how is it fair to those who have wasted their so much time getting the 100 parts of the amulet .
Ultimately this will be unfair to them/
Surely would have been better just to give imperial parts, and on gathering 100, can choose the artifact
+1 to this,
Maybe even generalize it more to just Rare materials, which can be used to get rare artifacts.
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