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Author[Military Clan] #1209 Any Key
Small.. 330
for Meshy:
several years before when swiftgirl joining AK, I'm pretty certain that AK requires at least one tournament gold medal or several(can not remember detail) silver, if you do not match this you have to pay a great amount of tax. whats now? do people have to pay tax now?
For RR:
••• Conditions and privileges:

• For defenders:
1) No taxes
2) Your combat level must be at least 13th. In some cases, there may be exceptions.
3) 140% of auto premium ..
4) Bonuses - monthly premiums for each deficit over 50, for double defaits (time difference of 20 minutes or less) bonus of 500 coins.
5) The clan has a warehouse for 320 seats (statecraft, action artifacts, rarosets, top ammunition for the guild of searchers) with access from the capital, Peaceful Camp, Magma Mines and Portal Ruins. Remuneration to blacksmiths - 101%, turnover of art.
6) The minimum number of protections per month is 25 (mandatory condition!). For beginners with 15 defaces in the first 2 weeks of stay in the clan - return the entrance fee.
7) Possibility to determine the size of your additional monthly reward yourself, without the competitive process. The award is issued for the 51st and subsequent protection in the amount of 500 gold, the counter is updated monthly.

• For tournament players:
1) Assistance in clan battles - at will.
2) Your combat level must be at least 14th. In some cases, there may be exceptions.
3) 3 stats in tournaments - MT, PT. In the rest - on demand.
4) Tax *
• Requirements for tournament players: availability of 2 cups in PT / MT / CMT, open HS and "tournament skilful."

* The tax is 1000 * BU / month, we pay 1-3 numbers of each month.

• For English speakers:
1) Need to do 25+ defenses per month.
2) If you dont do the right number of defenses, then you can pay tax (1000 gold * level).
3) In defenses you need use 2 enchanted weapons and 2 enchanted armours atleast.
4) You need to respect everyone in clan, or you will be kicked.
5) It's a game so you must have fun!

These are all lines i guess
There is even more. Every month there are internal competitions and lottery for the most active members of the clan. More you do for the clan more chance of a great reward. I'm talking about 100.000 gold and with some additional luck can get even some enchanted scrap rare art. You do some work, you are greatly rewarded.
I'll do a more in-depth answer when I get home tonight.. nobody can accuse me of not giving my opinion. :)
There is even more. Every month there are internal competitions and lottery for the most active members of the clan. More you do for the clan more chance of a great reward. I'm talking about 100.000 gold and with some additional luck can get even some enchanted scrap rare art. You do some work, you are greatly rewarded.
For Mellor:
Active in the sense??
cheapest and best arts to rent

Oh, the irony :D
Even though I am deputy of EFL, I have to say that AK is the top clan on this server. Just look up Military Clan Rating. If you don't consider income and consider battle glory, it will be #2 or #3. Number of active players -> >200. Why do we have to look down upon a clan who is objectively doing well, I don't understand :(

I stay in EFL because I have friends here. In fact, most of AK's english speaking population is in EFL's clan chat. We are in different clans but we are part of the same community. Syrian and Night Crawler joined EFL after staying in AK. And Night Crawler had earlier left EFL to join AK. Everything that AK members have said about AK is true. It is a great clan. You should consider it :)

My reasons for staying in EFL are that I want a .com clan to rise up the rankings. I want to have a .com clan which can fight .ru clans. I want to show what .com players can do. We also have a very open culture. We discuss everything (even clan war decisions) in an open chat forum (with members from AK, #57, Grave Stone, A&D, etc.). I love the community around EFL. I love that even though we are small, we try to be fearless and assert ourselves in the game. And most importantly, every member makes that decision for us, I don't force the decision upon anybody.

EFL, A&D and AK are great clans in their own right. EFL is definitely the weakest among the three. Why do we disparage a clan on their thread? AK is objectively the 'top' clan right now. They have a tax and entry requirements because they can. It is not wrong to want the best members. They want to build the best possible clan. EFL wants to build a 'family'. A&D, I am sure, has it's own goal.

Also, all the players who are not in AK are still part of .com community. We should respect them. They represent the best of .com even though they are in .ru clans. Some of them hang around more in the EFL clan chat than me (hint: his name starts with a 'M' and he has imposed forum bans on chikish xD). Personally speaking, they have been very helpful to .com and to EFL. The more of you join AK and .ru clans, the more representation and help .com clans have.

Join Any Key :) They are awesome.
(hint: his name starts with a 'M' and he has imposed forum bans on chikish xD)

If u hadnt given the name hint i could have anyways guessed xD

M _ _ _ _
Well i had one question..

How to get battle glory??

we get by capturing facilities ??
Several ways, the biggest one is probably from winning defences.

Another way is that top clans are awarded BG and gold from events.
The thread title says [Military Clan] #1209 Any Key

2. Clan representatives may engage in public debate, but such discussions must stay strictly on topic.

3. When posting in a clan’s thread, do not advertise any other clans. You may only mention other clans that are part of the same hierarchy (such as an academy, military clan and/or economics clan all related to each other), other allied clans, and/or other technical clans created for a particular purpose

8. Do not flood topics with irrelevant comments or try to ‘up’ them. Any post devoid of useful meaning is considered an ‘up.’
So, why do I like AK..

I have seen the depo of several clans, and I can honestly say that AK's depo is a lot cheaper than anything I've been in before.

For example - 2018-03-15 22:50: xxxx: 'Gladiator axe [I12E12A12W12F12]' [18/61] returned automatically after full use. Depository profit: 750 gold.

Supportive clanmates? The level of support is brilliant, I make a fair few mistakes in combats (defences) and have never been sworn at for it. I've made a couple of mistakes that honestly.. probably cost us a PvP clan battle, but instead of being angry the other player acknowledged that mistakes are made and we will get our revenge next time.

when clan gives u benefits not only you give them to clan

How do you wish to define benefits? AK greatly rewards activity, the more active you are (defences, interceptions, PvP battles) the more you are rewarded.


That is a congratulations mail for a monthly lottery - the winners of which get 20 diamonds (+ whatever bonus the admins are offering and chests). You gain lottery tickets by being active in defences etc.

From my own transfer log:
2018-02-14 23:55: Received 140 Gold 177 Ore from kovylN: award for defences
This is from doing 50+ defences a month.

some enchanted scrap rare art.
What Mellor meant here, is AK runs competitions for people to get +2 att/def/ini armament from defences of specific troops will get the art. I previously got a low dura flame of rebirth, but it's a great sword to use when my SoC is broken.

It's not all extra-ordinary benefits you gain. It's hard to really understand, but we seem to get quite a few poems celebrating people's birthday and wishing good luck

no tax
AK does have a tax, I won't pretend we don't, but that tax is there because we want to ensure that people who join the clan join for the right reasons and want to participate. Anyone who leaves AK due to activity is welcomed back with open arms. I only realised recently that when leader boots someone, they can actually add a message in the log.

many things to do Upon joining AK, the game has opened up a lot to me. Instead of just doing defences and patiently waiting for events, I can now do defences, interceptions, tax battles, clan PvP.

Are there downsides? Of course. It is an MC which is filled with Russian speaking players, but we get mails which are translated. And you start to recognise phrases, for example I recognise the phrase meaning "interception". If there is an important thing coming, we will get told in English. And honestly.. everyone tries to speak English to us when they can and it helps massively.

If you're the type of person who thinks leaving one Skype chat means I've left the community, then AK is probably not for you. Those of us who are in AK are in our own chat and we have a strong sense of community with the .com players because we are in a .com chat.

25+ defences a month sounds hard... but we probably get 10+ defences a day, you can easily do 25 defences in the space of 3 days if you really want. I remember towards the end of last month, Deathy did about 11 combats in 2 days (if that).

One final thing I want to add... on this forum it sometimes feels like us (.com) and them (.ru) sort of theme, and I have been branded a traitor by some people because I'm in AK. But I will say, from being in AK, I have realised there is no us and them, it's simply a big community who are trying to play the game and there is a massive language barrier which people do try and overcome in their own little ways.
#33 i just aswered on previous question, what would be the best clan , i didnt say anything witch off clans are the best. i was just intrested why recruiter of AK sad that its the best clan, maybe i wanted to join clan.

I can say that im the best player in lowrdswm/heroeswm it doesnt make it true . if someone asked why im the best ,i would not compere my self to others person , but tell them why im best !

im not stupid i can see that AK is great clan , i didnt sad any bad word , but after reading all those comments it feels like i did , it is silly how so simple question/answer can be turned around .

I have been branded a traitor by some people because I'm in AK
cant tell about others but i like u men , always when i needed something u have helped out .

But all this negativity from other comments .. just makes do not open forums , play the game , dont say your opinion , dont have any questions , head down , and grind levels.

and than they say .com should be united , when they self are picking on others.
i didnt sad any bad word , but after reading all those comments it feels like i did

Not at all, you did not say a single bad word against AK, but you asked why AK is the best. I was answering your question. :)

i like u

Thank you :)
+ your answer is really good and not offensive !
I admit I have bad view for AK when swiftgirl joining it and paying tons of tax(sounds unreasonable to me that time), but now I can understand, paying tax for welfare of defenders is reasonable and acceptable, thanks for your explanation.
WOW meshy nice writing skills :)

Very nice explanation of AK :)
It's nice to read flattering reviews about our clan)
We are always glad to new people, so I'm waiting for your letters)
Happy to share my views whenever, we have so many defences each day, it's hard to keep up sometimes :D
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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