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AuthorThe Raids Have Ended
From the beginning, everyone understood perfectly well that the alliance between the Empire’s Lords and the pirates was to be short-lived. Sooner or later, some circumstance would force the alliance to dissolve. But sometimes, even when you know the inevitable outcome and are in every possible way preparing for it, it still manages to sneak up and take you by surprise.

“Damned rascals!” exclaimed the dwarf, taking his pirate hat off and throwing it seaward in disgust. “Let's at least bury the treasure, cap’n... There’s a deserted island nearby. Isn’t that what all the legendary pirates did...? Oh boy, they played me like a fiddle!” Spitting vexedly, he plunged the blade of the shovel into the beach sand. “Well, well, we’ll have our sweet revenge yet!” Calming down a little, he plopped himself down and glanced at the trophy chest, which contained a little thanks from Red Beard. “At least my loot’s still here. Did they just forget to grab it? Dimwits!” Anger was building up in the dwarf again, but suddenly a lonely sail flashed in the distance, catching his attention. Beyond all doubt, it was an imperial merchant ship. Whether elves or wizards, it did not matter, as they would be powerless to help a brave hero shipwrecked after an unequal contest with a dozen pirate ships.

Despite all the whims of fate, Red Beard did keep his word and managed to convey his gratitude to those captains he deemed worthy:

"Shiver me timbers, cap’n! Well done for a shore loafer. As promised, here’s a chest filled with as much gold as you had fun! That, and a few pieces of some bizarre armor - maybe you'll figure out where to stick them. And of course a small present from my personal collection, that this raid might be remembered for a long time." - Captain Red Beard

All Lords who have plundered even a little silver can receive a generous reward in gold! Your reward depends on the amount of silver plundered and your combat level. Gold is issued on the Pirate raids event page.

All Lords who have plundered at least 2,250 silver have been sent pieces of the Imperial Armor ranging from 1 to 30 pcs. The number of parts depends on the amount of plundered silver.

All Lords who have plundered at least 5,000 silver will receive unique artifacts from the Pirate Set. The durability of each artifact depends on the amount of plundered silver.


The names of the top 100 pirate lords will forever go down in history and become legends of all seas and oceans:

¹LordBattlesWinsPlundered silver
1.#7777Paradox-x-x [22]848077,561
2.#104Âëàäèìèð [21]848075,698
3.#1209äåí-ãåðîé [21]847674,646
4.#8048Stealth [22]847473,398
5.#57spectral_tank [19]848072,415
6.#104assasin089 [19]848270,412
7.#18roccobarocco [22]848268,693
8.#7705z_j_cd [16]848368,546
9.#57Òàéñîâè÷ [19]847668,447
10.#249UNF0RGlVEN [22]848067,638
11.#104Lux in tenebris [17]848267,400
12.#1271Phoenix333 [19]848267,134
13.#1597ÌÀÃÈ× ÑÒÐÅËÀ [7]848466,833
14.#8048Ìýéëèí [20]847766,060
15.#928Ãëàøêà [19]848065,595
16.#6815-ìàòðîñ- [16]847865,299
17.#7705RevolutionRebel [18]848065,224
18.#57ÃÐÀÄ [22]848465,161
19.Jack Daniels [14]847763,976
20.#8048-Òðîãâàð [21]847963,817
21.#14×åðíîâ_Ñàøà [20]847263,509
22.Chich_o [9]847763,477
23.Í_å_ô_è_ë_è_Ì [19]848263,438
24.#104xxTitanxx [20]847763,262
25.#823Ñëàâíûé_Ýëüô [19]847863,093
26.#57Ëîñîñü [16]847462,690
27.#104Ho0L1GaN [20]847762,219
28.Ëîíè [9]847762,207
29.#7490ProZyk [11]848162,140
30.#933Virgil_DMC [15]848062,132
31.#104_Optimus_Prime_ [20]847461,343
32.#1209IGOR_spb [16]847761,263
33.Rubastik [15]848461,068
34.#3975_-Niakrs-_ [13]847860,818
35.#104ApostolANDREY [20]847360,794
36.#41_lordhero_ [12]848260,519
37.àðáàë¸ò÷èê [10]848160,456
38.#7705Pastak [16]847760,427
39.#1209Ãåðìåñ [19]847260,207
40.#928Ïàâåë [20]847460,153
41.#1519oleh23 [18]847960,054
42.#928ÏåðÄóíí [17]848260,048
43.#249zVileyki [19]848260,015
44.Ñòåïàøíàÿ [10]848159,999
45.#17Remiel [10]847859,947
46.#41Íÿøêà-Êîíÿøêà [15]847559,897
47.her0es [12]847659,798
48.#7490Cupcake [7]848259,787
49.#3305Åìðèã [11]847959,751
50.#823Escander [13]848059,730
51.Claudio [15]848159,702
52.#433xxEpiCMooNxx [18]847959,662
53.#2517PRO_ts [21]848059,648
54.#1512Ñèáèðÿê78 [21]848259,327
55.Arm2 [9]848159,307
56.#387Ðûö áåç ìåäàëè [8]847759,299
57.Arrakos [9]847959,264
58.#823Strikert [22]847159,244
59.#928Ìèõà [18]848059,157
60.#3137Ïóïñåíîê [9]847759,033
61.Òðîëëèí Äóáîùèò [9]847658,926
62.#346Svoi [16]847858,824
63.#823vasilyich [16]847558,764
64.#3975ïðîñòîÖÀÐÜ- [10]848158,659
65.#1209Nowar [16]847758,577
66.ObelixX [11]848058,537
67.#276ÄàíèëàÊ [19]847658,478
68.#823Diospyros [14]847658,317
69.ksus [8]847958,260
70.R_mid_nsk [13]848058,250
71.#928pro-kent [19]847658,224
72.slovo1982 [8]847858,198
73.Plantagenet [9]848258,059
74.#8048Îëüãà [19]847458,036
75.#7777Starshina214 [21]847858,029
76.ototo [16]847758,025
77.#1499Äàðò Àíüÿí [10]848357,963
78.#7279Erathia [18]847757,947
79.#8160_Àéäýí_ [8]848357,930
80.Iskander3 [11]848157,895
81.#276Crag_Hack [22]847857,718
82.Tveren [8]848457,668
83.#104Ìîðôåé [17]847457,498
84.#823Ðàãíåëü [16]847557,460
85.#2454_NKVD_ [16]848257,424
86._cz_ [11]848057,285
87.E1rond [10]848257,258
88.#18EvaMari [19]847957,093
89.#387Sally Smithson [6]848057,077
90.#1209AcademHero [17]847957,037
91.#104lIAHAHAClI [20]848256,938
92.SorotogA [10]848356,871
93.#1271Ïðîêóðàòîð [16]847956,810
94.#433vassol [18]847856,756
95.#57Âåëèêèé_Ìàñòåð [22]848056,677
96.Êîìèññàð_Êàèí [8]848156,677
97.rapuncle [8]848456,636
98.#387Mega Demon [8]848056,634
99.YuliaG [8]848056,616
100.ñóõñ [6]848256,580
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