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I just managed to lose my SEVENTH GAME IN A ROW (and my overall record is also utterly terrible - 28/46 ie an even third!).

Am I basically retarded ? Is the game basically unfair, favouring higher level players ? I'm GG lvl 0, but honestly I saw a lvl 2 win a tournament recently ; and besides most players don't have quite as terrible records that I've seen.

What gives ?
you need to think strategy.

of the N games you play, there are about 30% that can not be won, no matter what; 30% that you can easily win, even if you make mistakes; 39% that are strategy-based, on one of the several common or daring stratégies that this game is famous for; and 1% that ought to be won or loss but will go the other way round because of reasons beyond player's actions.

You are probably being too straightforward in your gaming style, so your opponents can read what you are doing and what cards you have in hand; and for sure you are making mistakes, since you have no experience. That explains your losing row.

Hint: Watch other player's game and try to learn from them. You can see other players playing if you click on the "current tavern games" link top left in the tavern page.
Hi, I once had a 15 game run where I lost 14 and won one (and that player was AFK...)

If you want to get a 50%+ score in the long run:
* buy golden cards: the extra card is really worth it
* do not join players with high GG level for now
* know your card deck: if you know what your opponent can play, that helps a lot
* know when to keep a card in your deck: a good player will keep +20 to tower, + 15 to tower,... in his deck until it is a sure win.

An individual game depends on luck, in the long run it depends on strategy.

The game will not allow crazy win ratios of 65%+ though, there seems to be a sort of balancing mechanism there.
On the good news front, I just lost another one. That makes 8. The chances of my getting 8 unwinnable ones in a row, if your 30% is correct, would be 0.006561%, or in other words I don't think so.

The infuriating thing is that I lose VERY unfairly, subjectively speaking, like in t100 games I seal the guy out with 0 mine and he STILL manages to get dragon after dragon while I'm dicking around with 3 damage cards. But what can I do, can't play the cards I don't get ;/ Somehow I manage to turn what seem like strategically favourable situations into losses, and the subjective impression is that I'm getting WAY worse cards than the OP.

Anyway, I have a lot of experience playing against the computer -- but I never before played against humans. So... yeah.
dariel : I do all that. I block cards (like if I have 6 magic and op has 2 magic, and I get the equal magic card I KEEP IT -- and yet HE STILL WON that game!!!!). I know all the cards, as I said I used to play this a lot in MM7.
Then you are doing nothing wrong.
Two possibilities:
*just a bad run: you will also get 8 wins in a row if you play enough games.
*you have played a lot against card sharks: some high level GG players like to target newbies for easy wins. If you open the card game, they can join you.

Impossible wins or losses are the ones you will remember the most, but they are a lot rarer that normal wins. I have won card games with zero monasteries, but maybe 5 times in 7000+ card games.

If you manage to get a win margin of about 55%, you are a very good player.
8 loss streak is nothing uncommon, happens even to much better players than me.
Ah, I am starting to understand the problem. I have this expectation of being a very good player and consequently seeing things like 90% win and in that context 8 loss rows are quite impossible. But I see what you people are saying, if 55% is a very good player then it's my expectations that are the problem.

Finally, broke the spell! Here, the early moment, like I was talking about, "strategically favourable situations" : https://preview.ibb.co/n2t43c/Screenshot_14.png

And here's the eventual result : https://preview.ibb.co/n2t43c/Screenshot_16.png (technically the battle went on for a few rounds after that, but anyway).
If 90% win rate was possible, nobody would play cards because you would be bound to lose to a better player, so bad player would avoid good player and good player would have no opponents :)

Congrats on your victory.
Wise words. Thanks.
find a few friend who all agree to play without using gold card. also, play without any bet. eventually you will get your 2 hour drink.
Might sound like a dumb question but what's a gold card?
From tavern page

Golden card owners are dealt one extra card in 'Two Towers' games.
> eventually you will get your 2 hour drink.

It's not even about the drink so much, I just want to be good at the game itself.
It may interest ~nobody to know that I've applied myself since yesterday, and the record shows it :

> 2018-04-23 17:55: alekc1249 vs LordMircea +200
> 2018-04-23 11:18: LordMircea vs boot -200
> 2018-04-23 11:07: LordMircea vs <russian name redacted> +200
> 2018-04-23 10:54: LordMircea vs <russian name redacted> +200
> 2018-04-23 07:12: Disel13 vs LordMircea +200
> 2018-04-23 06:25: <russian name redacted> vs LordMircea -200
> 2018-04-23 06:13: <russian name redacted> vs LordMircea -200
> 2018-04-23 05:58: gogliko777 vs LordMircea +200

First time ever I've been profitable at a stretch. It turns out there were two MAJOR things I was doing wrong (mostly because if you play with computers you form bad habits, computers are not finely-reactive to minute details so you sorta end up playing to a great grand sum in the sky, rather than move-by-move). I'll list them here, for the benefit of future novices :

1. SEALS. Especially on longer games (like say Shining Spring) sealing is the most important tactical hold available. To understand each other : when a resource production reaches 0, we call it being sealed.

There's two kinds of seals : complete, when the resource store is ALSO 0 ; and partial, when the production is 0 but there's still some material stored. Partial seals have to be reduced to total seals through using the Thief card, or other debuf cards like that, because otherwise the opponent could play a +1/+2 card and remove the seal entirely.

Green can almost never be sealed. Red is very easy to seal. Blue is somewhat harder.

If you get sealed, you're in a world of trouble, so try and avoid it. Once you've sealed your opponent you will probably win, unless you do something else wrong or have A TON of bad luck (extremely improbable).

So -- get those seals going, see your game improve 100%.

2. CHAINS. This one is subtler, but even heavier. It does you no good to keep dribbling a little tower here, a little -1 mine there, twenty turns apart or so. You must USE your hand as a cache of cards, so you can hit the opponent fast when you start hitting.

Do Dragon and THEN + 15 tower AND THEN +13 tower, for instance. You just won in 3 moves and the opponent won't know what hit them -- one point you had 51 tower then three turns later you had won the game. If he's a naive thinker he'll imagine "you just got lucky" and "got better cards than him", but you and I both know your luck is what losers call their inadequate ways. It's never really luck, is it ?

Anyway, between these two points I went from 30% win ratio to the above 62.5%. Yes it's a small sample, I know, I know.

Good... luck!

PSA : this forum could really do with a much better "profanity filter" -- or ideally no such nonsense whatsoever.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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