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AuthorBuying/Selling via trade forum rather than the market
I can find quite different prices posted in the trade forum w.r.t. the market, in particular for the TGI.

Apparently there are players that bought the TGI for 480k while in the market it's always way more than 500k. Well, it is true I do not know if these players locked their thread because they found a seller or because they gave up, but I think that some time ago there was a seller posting a 500k price.

So my questions (also if I want to sell stuff):
1) are you exempted by the 1% empire tax of the market when you do these private trades? I think so, but there is still some gap
2) Is it binding, so that you cannot put the piece in the market at the same time?
3) Do you start to get spam by players that want to buy your stuff at a lower price?
1. No, private transfers are also taxed at 1%
2. No it is not binding, you can put it on the market for a higher price if you wish.
3. Sometimes, but usually it's not much unless it's a rare item.
Apparently there are players that bought the TGI for 480k while in the market it's always way more than 500k.

Not true...In market the prices keeps on varying depending on the rarity of that item.
When i bought the TGI in 2016 the average range were in between 475k - 500k but now it's 445k - 460k
545k - 560k*
Price of any artifact never stays constant.
With time it's price varies according to the sellers choice.
Some people need quick gold so they prefer to sell it for 10k-20k less.

Do you start to get spam by players that want to buy your stuff at a lower price?
For this reason you can give that player a penalty for begging.
Apparently there are players that bought the TGI for 480k while in the market it's always way more than 500k.

Even if the price on market is 500k, you can send private mail to the seller and ask for discount. Many of the sellers are be willing to refund say 10k to get the thing sold.

For this reason you can give that player a penalty for begging.

Which penalty you mean? I'm pretty sure you're allowed to ask for discount.
Apparently there are players that bought the TGI for 480k while in the market it's always way more than 500k

its not, there are always people who want to sell quickly and are willing to post low, it just depends how often you browse the page and if you luck out...
many professional re-sellers keep spamming the page to get good deals...
1) All transactions which include gold between 2 people will include the tax (I think the only exception may be renting a room though).

2) You can put it on the market at the same price, or higher or lower. I see this quite often.

3) Depends on the art and price you post tbh, things like TGI you will get a fair few players (mostly traders) trying to get the art from you cheaply. You could I guess fwd the mail to insults as begging.. but in reality, it's really not begging at all. Asking for a discount on an art you see in the market is just good behaviour, I do it all the time when buying arts.

You can post any arts you're selling on the forum section, however I'd probably avoid posting regular shop arts in that section as they sell easily enough on the market and you'll just be wasting your effort.

If you are looking to buy a TGI, make friends with someone who is close to TG5 and maybe they'll sell it to you for slightly cheaper. :)
I'm pretty sure you're allowed to ask for discount.

If u read it right it said begging. There's a difference between asking and begging.

Which penalty you mean?
For begging in private mail u can get a penalty.

Sometimes people don't get their TGI sold. So just to get money they post at lower price. So u can ask people in private mail whether they will be selling at a certain low price. It won't be called as begging.
Thx for all the answers, which I believe fully answer my questions
closed by pippo4 (2018-05-06 00:31:29)
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